Time is Money

Time is Money
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The new book, Time Is Money, comes from Kerry Given, the author of No Hype Options Trading, and he discusses the concept of non-directional trading. If you have some experience with options trading, you have probably heard the term, delta neutral trading. This is one of the buzzword phrases that has been used in marketing options trading education, trading alert services, and describing the strategies of hedge funds. Delta neutral does sound exotic - is this the trading secret I have been searching for? But we will see clearly in this book that there is no “secret” to options trading. Non-directional trading is a lesser known term and may be considered a subset of delta neutral trading. This book does an excellent job of distinguishing delta neutral trading from non-directional trading. These are not synonyms.The trader may use a delta neutral strategy because he is predicting a sideways price pattern or price movement within a modest sized channel.