The Qualcomm Equation

The Qualcomm Equation
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Featuring a foreword by George Gilder If you’re a Qualcomm customer or stockholder, or in fact if you have a stake in almost any cellular service or even just use a mobile phone, you’re no doubt aware of the enormous impact on the development of cellular technology by actress and sex symbol Hedy LaMarr. All right, perhaps you’re surprised. The telecom industry has never been short on surprises, and the above example is no exception. Nor is it an exaggeration. Read the book. Similarly, it is not an exaggeration to say that Qualcomm, through a combination of technological superiority, cunning business acumen, and sheer tenacity, has become the undisputed standard by which telecom companies now measure themselves. In short order, they have also become a model of substantial and sustained growth that businesses in all industries should emulate. Qualcomm’s rise mirrors that of the cell phone itself. Both are ubiquitous, both continue to evolve rapidly, and both turned the status quo on its head. The Qualcomm Equation reveals crucial but little-known information on the history of cellular and wireless technology – some of which dates back to World War II – and shows how the company grabbed the wave just as it began to rise. How did they do it? Even while most competitors were using an essential technology, Qualcomm believed in an alternative they had developed, and continued to refine and promote it until at last it caught on. The Qualcomm Equation details how the fledgling company, while their rivals simply duked it out for more customers, made a killing not only by offering great service, but also by leasing their superior standard technology to other telecom companies. While Qualcomm grew its own customer base, they had also, in essence, found a way to make more money the bigger their competitors got. How can you apply the Qualcomm model in your industry, and in your company? Following Qualcomm’s example, your company can: * attract investors by presenting even …|Books||9780814409978|The Qualcomm Equation : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814409978 : 24 Apr 2018 : The Qualcomm Equation details how the fledgling company, while their rivals simply duked it out for more customers, made a killing not only by offering great service, but also …|new|1|1|80|16.99|0|GBP|Dave MOCK|HarperCollins Focus|24 Apr 2018|History of specific companies / corporate history 9780814401637|Be a Recruiting Superstar|10.08||Network marketing-also known as direct selling and multilevel marketing-has turned millions of people into successful business owners. But to truly reach their earning potential, network marketers need to successfully grow their businesses by recruiting the right people. Written by a true network marketing superstar who personally enlisted over 1,000 people in her first year, the book reveals a proven, innovative approach to recruiting that gets results fast. Readers will learn how to: * discover their own recruiting style * identify people who will become a great part of their team * do and say the right things to turn prospects into partners * overcome objections with confidence * attract people who never considered network marketing Filled with advice and inspiration, this indispensable guide gives network marketers the know-how and confidence they need to grow their enterprise and become top earners.|Books||9780814401637|Be a Recruiting Superstar : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814401637 : 23 Mar 2018 : Written by a true network marketing superstar, Be a Recruiting Superstar reveals a proven, innovative approach to recruiting that gets results fast. This how-to guide gives …|new|1|1|80|14.99|0|GBP|Mary Christensen|HarperCollins Focus|23 Mar 2018|Personnel & human resources management 9780814408957|Quick Emotional Intelligence Activities for Busy Managers|10.99||In a team situation, many issues – like lack of trust and commitment, unresolved conflicts, and the inability of individuals to understand how their actions impact the rest of the team – can stop even the most promising groups from delivering great results. This simple, easy-to-use book gives managers, supervisors, and team leaders activities to help their teams overcome emotional obstacles and become more effective. Readers will find powerful, proven exercises they can use to help employees: * identify individual and team mood * deal with anger and emotional triggers * avert, rather than avoid, conflict * encourage communication * overcome fear and other obstacles * understand and manage competition * honor differences * assess team strengths and weaknesses * pick up on cues from teammates * control the emotional climate of the team Each activity is followed by a discussion of its purpose, how to use it, and a list of post-activity questions to help solidify each lesson. This practical, effective collection of proven exercises will elicit the best from any team."