The liquid enterprise

The liquid enterprise
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As the world’s most venerable corporations scramble to keep up with an ever faster, ever more chaotic market, a profound paradox is emerging at the heart of business strategy. Information ? that touchstone of understanding, decision and action ? has begun to attack confidence, competitive advantage and growth. The speed, precision and potential for innovation that the digital revolution has conferred on business is undeniable. And yet we have never felt more distant from the consumer, never felt less sure of what to do next, never felt less confident about the dynamics of the context in which we live and work. Beneath this brutal conundrum lie disturbing truths about culture, technology and value. Where leadership has relied upon tangible, manageable evidence to guide the enterprise through change to sustainable growth, the chronic turbulence that defines every major market sector demands that we now look to seize advantage from uncertainty itself. In The liquid enterprise brand guru Mike Bayler throws down the gauntlet to the leaders of tomorrow. The book provides a radical rethink of how the new Network Dynamics drive markets, the implications for enterprise and brand, and how we must overturn the principles of traditional business strategy in order to survive and thrive in the unforgiving, chaotic environment that is the market.