Heritage, Affect and Emotion

Heritage, Affect and Emotion
125 GBP 134.99 GBP
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Heritage and its economies are driven by affective politics and consolidated through emotions such as pride, awe, joy and pain. In the humanities and social sciences, there is a widespread acknowledgement of the limits not only of language and subjectivity, but also of visuality and representation. Social scientists, particularly within cultural geography and cultural studies, have recently attempted to define and understand that which is more-than-representational, through the development of theories of affect, assemblage, post-humanism and actor network theory, to name a few. While there have been some recent attempts to draw these lines of thinking more forcefully into the field of heritage studies, this book focuses for the first time on relating heritage with the politics of affect. The volume argues that our engagements with heritage are almost entirely figured through the politics of affective registers such as pain, loss, joy, nostalgia, pleasure, belonging or anger. It brings together a number of contributions that collectively–and with critical acuity–question how researchers working in the field of heritage might begin to discover and describe affective experiences, especially those that are shaped and expressed in moments and spaces that can be, at times, intensely personal, intimately shared and ultimately social. It explores current theoretical advances that enable heritage to be affected, released from conventional understandings of both heritage-as-objects and objects-as-representations by opening it up to a range of new meanings, emergent and formed in moments of encounter. Whilst representational understandings of heritage are by no means made redundant through this agenda, they are destabilized and can thus be judged anew in light of these developments. Each chapter offers a novel and provocative contribution, provided by an interdisciplinary team of researchers who are thinking theoretically about affect through landscapes, practices of co …|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/a827615d/heritage-affect-and-emotion-divya-p-tolia-kelly-9781472454874.jpg|9781472454874|Heritage, Affect and Emotion : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472454874 : 05 Jul 2016 : Heritage and its economies are driven by affective politics and consolidated through emotions such as pride, awe, joy and pain. This book focuses for the first time on …|new|1|1|999|140|0|GBP|Divya P. Tolia-Kelly|Taylor & Francis Ltd|05 Jul 2016|Human geography 9781472445834|Smart Evaluation and Integrated Design in Regional Development|114.99|https://wordery.com/smart-evaluation-and-integrated-design-in-regional-development-grazia-brunetta-9781472445834|Smart Evaluation and Integrated Design in Regional Development puts forward an alternative approach to evaluation in spatial planning - one that focuses on ’territory’ and ’landscape’. The book introduces an innovative evaluation approach, namely Territorial Integrated Evaluation (TIE), a meta-evaluation methodology for designing regional development scenarios. A research team from the Politecnico di Torino applied this methodology experimentally to the practices of spatial planning in Trentino in order to aid the Province in a process of institutional innovation that is still going on today. TIE defines territorial scenarios serving the need for regional economic development as well as the conservation of nature and landscape. A cross-border region, Trentino has a special need to harmonize economic development with the exceptional and internationally renowned value of its landscape which includes the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Therefore TIE set out to design regional development scenarios that integrated various topics - retail, tourism, infrastructures, nature and landscape. By testing out TIE in practice in this extraordinarily dynamic institutional context, the book makes a significant contribution to the discussion about newly emerging approaches to spatial planning that involve multidisciplinary vision, new paradigms in regional development, and institutional learning and capability in decision-making.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/7dbb5b47/smart-evaluation-and-integrated-design-in-regional-development-grazia-brunetta-9781472445834.jpg|9781472445834|Smart Evaluation and Integrated Design in Regional Development : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472445834 : 28 Oct 2015 : With an alternative approach to evaluation in spatial planning this book focuses on ’territory’ and ’landscape’ introducing an innova …|new|1|1|999|120|0|GBP|Grazia Brunetta|Taylor & Francis Ltd|28 Oct 2015|The environment 9781472451811|Value Creation and the Internet of Things|114.99|https://wordery.com/value-creation-and-the-internet-of-things-alexander-manu-9781472451811|We live in a behavior economy, an environment in which people no longer engage with companies just by purchasing things, but they seek engagement with services that allow them to behave, to leave a mark, and to participate in the community of others. The economic model promoted by the behavior economy is a model where behavior is the only goal of our actions, and where intrinsic motivation is the key to participation, engagement, and the satisfaction of multiple dimensions of value. Value Creation and the Internet of Things describes value delivery and consumption, and the mechanisms by which new value is captured and created, in enterprises dedicated to competing and prospering in this new environment. This book is significant in the context of the Internet of Things becoming mainstream, forcing organizations to re-examine their value creation methodologies in light of new consumer behavior and expectations. The Internet of Things will reframe the existence of the ones enriched by it. It will do so not because it can, but because our motivation will demand it. This is a book about reframing reality for new and incumbent organizations. The reality to reframe is not an imaginary one, but the immediate reality in which one operates: the behavior economy.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/dabfc022/value-creation-and-the-internet-of-things-alexander-manu-9781472451811.jpg|9781472451811|Value Creation and the Internet of Things : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472451811 : 14 Aug 2015 : Value Creation and the Internet of Things describes value delivery and consumption, exploring the mechanisms by which new value is captured and created in …|new|1|1|999|120|0|GBP|Alexander Manu|Taylor & Francis Ltd|14 Aug 2015|Sales & marketing management 9781472446268|Reading the Runes in Old English and Old Norse Poetry|114.99|https://wordery.com/reading-the-runes-in-old-english-and-old-norse-poetry-thomas-birkett-9781472446268|Reading the Runes in Old English and Old Norse Poetry is the first book-length study to compare responses to runic heritage in the literature of Anglo-Saxon England and medieval Iceland. The Anglo-Saxon runic script had already become the preserve of antiquarians at the time the majority of Old English poetry was written down, and the Icelanders recording the mythology associated with the script were at some remove from the centres of runic practice in medieval Scandinavia. Both literary cultures thus inherited knowledge of the runic system and the traditions associated with it, but viewed this literate past from the vantage point of a developed manuscript culture. There has, as yet, been no comprehensive study of poetic responses to this scriptural heritage, which include episodes in such canonical texts as Beowulf, the Old English riddles and the poems of the Poetic Edda. By analysing the inflection of the script through shared literary traditions, this study enhances our understanding of the burgeoning of literary self-awareness in early medieval vernacular poetry and the construction of cultural memory, and furthers our understanding of the relationship between Anglo-Saxon and Norse textual cultures. The introduction sets out in detail the rationale for examining runes in poetry as a literary motif and surveys the relevant critical debates. The body of the volume is comprised of five linked case studies of runes in poetry, viewing these representations through the paradigm of scriptural reconstruction and the validation of contemporary literary, historical and religious sensibilities.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/e21e136f/reading-the-runes-in-old-english-and-old-norse-poetry-thomas-birkett-9781472446268.jpg|9781472446268|Reading the Runes in Old English and Old Norse Poetry : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472446268 : 04 Apr 2017 : Presenting five linked case studies of runes in poetry, this study is the first to compare responses to runic heritage in the literature of An …|new|1|1|999|120|0|GBP|Thomas Birkett|Taylor & Francis Ltd|04 Apr 2017|Literary studies: classical, early & medieval 9781472457196|Chronicling Ben-Hur’s Climb, 1880-1924|114.99|https://wordery.com/chronicling-ben-hurs-climb-1880-1924-barbara-ryan-9781472457196|First published in 1880, Lew Wallace’s Ben-Hur is one of the best-selling novels of all time. Employing analytical strategies from the fields of literature, fan studies, reception history, and media research, Barbara Ryan traces Ben-Hur’s popularity from 1880 to 1924. She analyzes fan mail as well as a wide range of manuscript and print sources, using as her starting place two letters in which admirers declared that they would rather be the author of Ben-Hur than to be President of the United States. Ryan’s discussion of the novel in terms of its contemporary fandom makes it possible for her to dispel misconceptions about the novel’s audience which include assumptions about its popularity with all Christians. She makes fascinating connections between Ben-Hur, slavery discourse, and the changing nature of U.S. politics to challenge critics who assume that Wallace consciously used a sure-fire formula. By shedding light on attempts to squash the novel’s popularity, Ryan examines dramatizations of Ben-Hur by amateurs and on Broadway. Her in-depth reception history of Ben-Hur’s incarnations in print and on stage establishes the novel’s importance for understanding nineteenth-century U.S. literature, politics, and culture.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/844a6846/chronicling-ben-hurs-climb-1880-1924-barbara-ryan-9781472457196.jpg|9781472457196|Chronicling Ben-Hur’s Climb, 1880-1924 : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472457196 : 16 May 2019 : Employing methodologies from the fields of literature, fan studies, reception history, and media studies, Barbara Ryan traces the reception of Lew Wallace’s …|new|1|1|10|120|0|GBP|Barbara Ryan|Taylor & Francis Ltd|16 May 2019|Popular culture books 9781472445384|Camera Constructs|41.99|https://wordery.com/camera-constructs-andrew-higgott-9781472445384|Photography and architecture have a uniquely powerful resonance - architectural form provides the camera with the subject for some of its most compelling imagery, while photography profoundly influences how architecture is represented, imagined and produced. Camera Constructs is the first book to reflect critically on the varied interactions of the different practices by which photographers, artists, architects, theorists and historians engage with the relationship of the camera to architecture, the city and the evolution of Modernism. The title thus on the one hand opposes the medium of photography and the materiality of construction - but on the other can be read as saying that the camera invariably constructs what it depicts: the photograph is not a simple representation of an external reality, but constructs its own meanings and reconstructs its subjects. Twenty-three essays by a wide range of historians and theorists are grouped under the themes of ‘Modernism and the Published Photograph’, ‘Architecture and the City Re-imagined’, ‘Interpretative Constructs’ and ‘Photography in Design Practices.’ They are preceded by an Introduction that comprehensively outlines the subject and elaborates on the diverse historical and theoretical contexts of the authors’ approaches. Camera Constructs provides a rich and highly original analysis of the relationship of photography to built form from the early modern period to the present day.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/d3448ee8/camera-constructs-andrew-higgott-9781472445384.jpg|9781472445384|Camera Constructs : Paperback : Routledge : 9781472445384 : 29 Sep 2014 : Camera Constructs reflects critically on the varied interactions of the different practices by which photographers, artists, architects, theorists and historians engage with the …|new|1|1|999|46.99|0|GBP|Andrew Higgott|Taylor & Francis Ltd|29 Sep 2014|Photography books 9781472446930|Harriet Martineau and the Birth of Disciplines|119.99|https://wordery.com/harriet-martineau-and-the-birth-of-disciplines-valerie-sanders-9781472446930|One of the foremost writers of her time, Harriet Martineau established her reputation by writing a hugely successful series of fictional tales on political economy whose wide readership included the young Queen Victoria. She went on to write fiction and nonfiction; books, articles and pamphlets; popular travel books and more insightful analyses. Martineau wrote in the middle decades of the nineteenth century, at a time when new disciplines and areas of knowledge were being established. Bringing together scholars of literature, history, economics and sociology, this volume demonstrates the scope of Martineau’s writing and its importance to nineteenth-century politics and culture. Reflecting Martineau’s prodigious achievements, the essays explore her influence on the emerging fields of sociology, history, education, science, economics, childhood, the status of women, disability studies, journalism, travel writing, life writing and letter writing. As a woman contesting Victorian patriarchal relations, Martineau was controversial in her own lifetime and has still not received the recognition that is due her. This wide-ranging collection confirms her place as one of the leading intellectuals, cultural theorists and commentators of the nineteenth century.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/91a8e307/harriet-martineau-and-the-birth-of-disciplines-valerie-sanders-9781472446930.jpg|9781472446930|Harriet Martineau and the Birth of Disciplines : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472446930 : 04 Aug 2016 : One of the foremost writers of her time, Harriet Martineau established her reputation by writing a hugely successful series of fictional tales on pol …|new|1|1|999|125|0|GBP|Valerie Sanders|Taylor & Francis Ltd|04 Aug 2016|History books 9781472441119|Brokering High-Risk Migration and Illegality in West Africa|124.99|https://wordery.com/brokering-high-risk-migration-and-illegality-in-west-africa-maybritt-jill-alpes-9781472441119|Do young West Africans want to go abroad at any cost because they receive too little or erroneous information? Why do they and their families risk large sums of money with migration brokers? How do the risks of illegality and deportation change migration aspirations in West Africa? This book places trafficking and smuggling within a wider framework of high-risk migration and proposes a novel interpretation of how people manage unwanted and uncertain migration outcomes. Drawing on in-depth ethnographic research with aspiring and failed migrants, their families, migration brokers and consulate offices in anglophone Cameroon, the author analyses high-risk migration from the vantage point of people in a place of departure. Brokering High-Risk Migration and Illegality in West Africa: Abroad at Any Cost develops a critical socio-legal approach to the governance of migration that sees the state without ?seeing like the state’. The state’s monopoly over legitimate means of mobility is continuously in the making ? frequently through accusations of fraud and criminality. By revealing how authority, legality and legitimacy operate in a country of origin, the analysis contributes original insights into processes that create the conditions for illegality and migrant exploitation. The book will appeal to those in the fields of migration and development, African studies, gender, anthropology, sociology, criminology and law.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/089af0d8/brokering-high-risk-migration-and-illegality-in-west-africa-maybritt-jill-alpes-9781472441119.jpg|9781472441119|Brokering High-Risk Migration and Illegality in West Africa : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472441119 : 24 Nov 2016 : Do young West Africans want to go abroad at any cost because they receive too little or erroneous information? Why do they and their fam …|new|1|1|999|130|0|GBP|Maybritt Jill Alpes|Taylor & Francis Ltd|24 Nov 2016|Migration, immigration & emigration 9781472450104|Managing Projects in Research and Development|114.99|https://wordery.com/managing-projects-in-research-and-development-ron-basu-9781472450104|Research and Development is the vehicle by which organizations and economies create opportunity, innovation and secure a stream of future products and services.These outcomes are all critically important sources of sustainability in a world that is changing faster than most companies can keep up.The challenge behind them is the fundamental unpredictability of R&D; which is why effective project management is so important. Ron Basu’s Managing Projects in Research and Development explains how and why project management can provide a means of helping to plan, organise and control multi-disciplinary research activities without stifling innovation. Combining research with practical examples and experience from a career that has included blue chip organizations such as GSK, GlaxoWellcome and Unilever, Ron Basu offers a rigorous guide to the fundamentals of R&D project management including project lifecycle management, risk management, cost, time quality and other success measures as well as the keys to operational excellence in this complicated world.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/c82ff16c/managing-projects-in-research-and-development-ron-basu-9781472450104.jpg|9781472450104|Managing Projects in Research and Development : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472450104 : 28 Jul 2015 : Combining research with practical examples and experience from a career that has included blue chip organizations such as GSK, GlaxoWellcome and Unile …|new|1|1|999|120|0|GBP|Ron Basu|Taylor & Francis Ltd|28 Jul 2015|Research & development management 9781472447913|Complex Adaptive Leadership|30.99|https://wordery.com/complex-adaptive-leadership-nick-obolensky-9781472447913|Since its publication, Complex Adaptive Leadership has become a Gower bestseller that has been taught in corporate leadership programmes, business schools and universities around the world to high acclaim. In this updated paperback edition, Nick Obolensky argues that leadership should not be something only exercised by nominated leaders. It is a complex dynamic process involving all those engaged in a particular enterprise. The theoretical background to this lies in complexity science and chaos theory - spoken and written about in the context of leadership for the last 20 years, but still little understood. We all seem intuitively to know leadership ‘isn’t what it used to be’ but we still cling to old assumptions which look anachronistic in changing and challenging times. Nick Obolensky has practised, researched and taught leadership in the public, private and voluntary sectors. In this exciting book he brings together his knowledge of theory, his own experience, and the results of 19 years of research involving 2,500 executives in 40 countries around the world. The main conclusion from that research is that the more complex things become, the less traditional directive leadership is needed. Those operating in the real world, nonetheless, need ways of coping. The book is focused on helping practitioners struggling to interpret and react to increasingly VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) times. The book will particularly appeal to practitioners wishing to improve their leadership effectiveness as well as for students and researchers in the field of leadership.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/10b0ca0e/complex-adaptive-leadership-nick-obolensky-9781472447913.jpg|9781472447913|Complex Adaptive Leadership : Paperback : Routledge : 9781472447913 : 11 Nov 2014 : Complex Adaptive Leadership, a Gower bestseller, has been taught in corporate leadership programmes, business schools and universities around the world to high acclaim …|new|1|1|999|35.99|0|GBP|Nick Obolensky|Taylor & Francis Ltd|11 Nov 2014|Management: leadership & motivation 9781472449146|Genre Imagery in Early Modern Northern Europe|119.99|https://wordery.com/genre-imagery-in-early-modern-northern-europe-arthurj-difuria-9781472449146|Exploring the rich variety of pictorial rhetoric in early modern northern European genre images, this volume deepens our understanding of genre’s place in early modern visual culture. From 1500 to 1700, artists in northern Europe pioneered the category of pictures now known as genre, portrayals of people in ostensibly quotidian situations. Critical approaches to genre images have moved past the antiquated notion that they portray uncomplicated ‘slices of life,’ describing them instead as heavily encoded pictorial essays, laden with symbols that only the most erudite contemporary viewers and modern iconographers could fully comprehend. These essays challenge that limiting binary, revealing a more expansive array of accessible meanings in genre’s deft grafting of everyday scenarios with a rich complex of experiential, cultural, political, and religious references. Authors deploy a variety of approaches to detail genre’s multivalent relations to older, more established pictorial and literary categories, the interplay between the meaning of the everyday and its translation into images, and the multifaceted concerns genre addressed for its rapidly expanding, unprecedentedly diverse audience.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/b94476e5/genre-imagery-in-early-modern-northern-europe-arthurj-difuria-9781472449146.jpg|9781472449146|Genre Imagery in Early Modern Northern Europe : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472449146 : 08 Apr 2016 : Exploring the rich variety of pictorial rhetoric in northern European genre images, this volume deepens our understanding of genre’s place in early mo …|new|1|1|999|125|0|GBP|ArthurJ. DiFuria|Taylor & Francis Ltd|08 Apr 2016|History of art & design styles: c 1400 to c 1600 9781472449603|Federico Barocci|114.99|https://wordery.com/federico-barocci-judith-w-mann-9781472449603|Reviewers of a recent exhibition termed Federico Barocci (ca. 1533?1612), ’the greatest artist you’ve never heard of’. One of the first original iconographers of the Counter Reformation, Barocci was a remarkably inventive religious painter and draftsman, and the first Italian artist to incorporate extensive color into his drawings. The purpose of this volume is to offer new insights into Barocci’s work and to accord this artist, the dates of whose career fall between the traditional Renaissance and Baroque periods, the critical attention he deserves. Employing a range of methodologies, the essays include new ideas on Barocci’s masterpiece, the Entombment of Christ; fresh thinking about his use of color in his drawings and innovative design methods; insights into his approach to the nude; revelations on a key early patron; a consideration of the reasons behind some of his most original iconography; an analysis of his unusual approach to the marketing of his pictures; an exploration of some little-known aspects of his early production, such as his reliance on Italian majolica and contemporary sculpture in developing his compositions; and an examination of a key Barocci document, the post mortem inventory of his studio. A translated transcription of the inventory is included as an appendix.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/03b12bbd/federico-barocci-judith-w-mann-9781472449603.jpg|9781472449603|Federico Barocci : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472449603 : 26 Sep 2017 : Reviewers of a recent exhibition termed Federico Barocci (ca. 1533-1612), ’the greatest artist you’ve never heard of’. The central purpose of this volume is to accord this artist …|new|1|1|999|120|0|GBP|Judith W. Mann|Taylor & Francis Ltd|26 Sep 2017|History of art & design styles: c 1400 to c 1600 9781472447302|The Routledge History of Medieval Magic|184.99|https://wordery.com/the-routledge-history-of-medieval-magic-sophie-page-9781472447302|The Routledge History of Medieval Magic brings together the work of scholars from across Europe and North America to provide extensive insights into recent developments in the study of medieval magic between c.1100 and c.1500. This book covers a wide range of topics, including the magical texts which circulated in medieval Europe, the attitudes of intellectuals and churchmen to magic, the ways in which magic intersected with other aspects of medieval culture, and the early witch trials of the fifteenth century. In doing so, it offers the reader a detailed look at the impact that magic had within medieval society, such as its relationship to gender roles, natural philosophy, and courtly culture. This is furthered by the book’s interdisciplinary approach, containing chapters dedicated to archaeology, literature, music, and visual culture, as well as texts and manuscripts. The Routledge History of Medieval Magic also outlines how research on this subject could develop in the future, highlighting under-explored subjects, unpublished sources, and new approaches to the topic. It is the ideal book for both established scholars and students of medieval magic.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/78e9fccc/the-routledge-history-of-medieval-magic-sophie-page-9781472447302.jpg|9781472447302|The Routledge History of Medieval Magic : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472447302 : 24 Jan 2019 : The Routledge History of Medieval Magic brings together the work of scholars from across Europe and North America to provide extensive insights into recent …|new|1|1|10|190|0|GBP|Sophie Page|Taylor & Francis Ltd|24 Jan 2019|Social & cultural history 9781472438652|Routledge Handbook of Disability Law and Human Rights|184.99|https://wordery.com/routledge-handbook-of-disability-law-and-human-rights-peter-blanck-9781472438652|This handbook provides a comprehensive and authoritative state-of-the-art review of the current and emerging research and policy on disability law. Bringing together a team of respected and experienced experts, the handbook offers a range of jurisdictional and multidisciplinary perspectives. The authors consider historical and contemporary, as well as comparative perspectives of disability law. Divided into three parts, the contributors provide a comprehensive reference to the theoretical underpinnings, ongoing debates and emerging fields within the subject. The study provides a strong basis for consideration of contemporary disability law, its research foundations, and progressive developments in the area. The book incorporates interdisciplinary and comparative country perspectives to capture the breadth of current discourse on disability law. This handbook provides a valuable resource for a wide range of scholars, public and private researchers, NGOs, and practitioners working in the area of disability law, and across national and transnational disability schemes. The work will be of important interest to those in the fields of sociology, history, psychology, economics, political science, rehabilitation sciences, medicine, technology, and law, among others.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/2828da9a/routledge-handbook-of-disability-law-and-human-rights-peter-blanck-9781472438652.jpg|9781472438652|Routledge Handbook of Disability Law and Human Rights : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472438652 : 14 Jul 2016 : This volume provides a comprehensive analysis of current and emerging research and policy in disability law. The contributors offer a range of …|new|1|1|10|190|0|GBP|Peter Blanck|Taylor & Francis Ltd|14 Jul 2016|Social work 9781472456144|Cultures of Healing|144.18|https://wordery.com/cultures-of-healing-peregrine-horden-9781472456144|This volume brings together for the first time an updated collection of articles exploring poverty, poor relief, illness, and health care as they intersected in Western Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, during a ?long’ Middle Ages. It offers a thorough and wide-ranging investigation into the institution of the hospital and the development of medicine and charity, with focuses on the history of music therapy and the history of ideas and perceptions fundamental to psychoanalysis. The collection is both sequel and complement to Horden’s earlier volume of collected studies, Hospitals and Healing from Antiquity to the Later Middle Ages (2008). It will be welcomed by all those interested in the premodern history of healing and welfare for its breadth of scope and scholarly depth.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/8ff04bcd/cultures-of-healing-peregrine-horden-9781472456144.jpg|9781472456144|Cultures of Healing : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472456144 : 15 Feb 2019 : This volume brings together for the first time an updated collection of articles exploring poverty, poor relief, illness, and health care as they intersected in Western Europe, …|new|1|1|999|120|0|GBP|Peregrine Horden|Taylor & Francis Ltd|15 Feb 2019|History of medicine 9781472441379|Late Medieval Liturgies Enacted|134.99|https://wordery.com/late-medieval-liturgies-enacted-sally-harper-9781472441379|This book critically explores ways in which our understanding of late medieval liturgy can be enhanced through present-day enactment. It is a direct outcome of a practice-led research project, led by Professor John Harper and undertaken at Bangor University between 2010 and 2013 in partnership with Salisbury Cathedral and St Fagans National History Museum, near Cardiff. The book seeks to address the complex of ritual, devotional, musical, physical and architectural elements that constitute medieval Latin liturgy, whose interaction can be so difficult to recover other than through practice. In contrast with previous studies of reconstructed liturgies, enactment was not the exclusive end-goal of the project; rather it has created a new set of data for interpretation and further enquiry. Though based on a foundation of historical, musicological, textual, architectural and archaeological research, new methods of investigation and interpretation are explored, tested and validated throughout. There is emphasis on practice-led investigation and making; the need for imagination and creativity; and the fact that enactment participants can only be of the present day. Discussion of the processes of preparation, analysis and interpretation of the enactments is complemented by contextual studies, with particular emphasis on the provision of music. A distinctive feature of the work is that it seeks to understand the experiences of different groups within the medieval church - the clergy, their assistants, the singers, and the laity - as they participated in different kinds of rituals in both a large cathedral and a small parish church. Some of the conclusions challenge interpretations of these experiences, which have been current since the Reformation. In addition, some consideration is given to the implications of understanding past liturgy for present-day worship.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/9d3137e3/late-medieval-liturgies-enacted-sally-harper-9781472441379.jpg|9781472441379|Late Medieval Liturgies Enacted : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472441379 : 15 Jan 2016 : This book critically explores ways in which our understanding of late medieval liturgy can be enhanced through present-day enactment. Discussion of the processes of …|new|1|1|999|140|0|GBP|Sally Harper|Taylor & Francis Ltd|15 Jan 2016|Christian liturgy, prayerbooks & hymnals 9781472449634|Visualizing the Nineteenth-Century Home|119.99|https://wordery.com/visualizing-the-nineteenth-century-home-ancai-lasc-9781472449634|The nineteenth century - the Era of the Interior - witnessed the steady displacement of art from the ceilings, walls, and floors of aristocratic and religious interiors to the everyday spaces of bourgeois households, subject to their own enhanced ornamentation. Following the 1863 Salon des refuses, the French State began to channel mediocre painters into the decorative arts. England, too, launched an extensive reform of the decorative arts, resulting in more and more artists engaged in the production and design of complete interiors. America soon followed. Present art historical scholarship - still indebted to a modernist discourse that sees cultural progress to be synonymous with the removal of ornament from both utilitarian objects and architectural spaces - has not yet acknowledged the importance of the decorative arts in the myriad interior spaces of the 1800s. Nor has mainstream art history reckoned with the importance of the interior in nineteenth-century life and thought. Aimed at an interdisciplinary audience, including art and design historians, historians of the modern interior, interior designers, visual culture theorists, and scholars of nineteenth-century material culture, this collection of essays studies the modern interior in new ways. The volume addresses the double nature of the modern interior as both space and image, blurring the boundaries between arts and crafts, decoration and high art, two-dimensional and three-dimensional design, trompe-l’oeil effects and spatial practices. In so doing, it redefines the modern interior and its objects as essential components of modern art.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/ac1bb13b/visualizing-the-nineteenth-century-home-ancai-lasc-9781472449634.jpg|9781472449634|Visualizing the Nineteenth-Century Home : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472449634 : 05 May 2016 : Aimed at an interdisciplinary audience, including art and design historians, historians of the modern interior, interior designers, visual culture theorists …|new|1|1|999|125|0|GBP|AncaI. Lasc|Taylor & Francis Ltd|05 May 2016|History of art & design styles: c 1800 to c 1900 9781472456441|Alevis in Europe|119.99|https://wordery.com/alevis-in-europe-toezun-issa-9781472456441|The Alevis are a significant minority in Turkey, and now also in the countries of Western Europe. Over the past century, many of them have migrated from rural enclaves on the Anatolian plateau to the great cities of Istanbul and Ankara, and from there to the countries of the European Union. This book asks who are they? How do they construct their identities ? now and in the past; in Turkey and in Europe? A range of scholars, writing from sociological, historical, socio-psychological and political perspectives, present analysis and research that shows the Alevi communities grouping and regrouping, defining and redefining ? sometimes as an ethnic minority, sometimes as religious groups, sometimes around a political philosophy - contingently responding to circumstances of the Turkish Republic’s political position and to the immigration policies of Western Europe. Contributors consider Alevi roots and cultural practices in their villages of origin; the changes in identity following the migration to the gecekondu shanty towns surrounding the cities of Turkey; the changes consequent on their second diaspora to Germany, the UK, Sweden and other European countries; and the implications of European citizenship for their identity. This collection offers a new and significant contribution to the study of migration and minorities in the wider European context.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/64b5e713/alevis-in-europe-toezun-issa-9781472456441.jpg|9781472456441|Alevis in Europe : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472456441 : 28 Jul 2016 : The Alevis are a significant minority in Turkey, and now also in the countries of Western Europe. Over the past century, many of them have migrated from rural enclaves on the Anat …|new|1|1|999|125|0|GBP|Toezun Issa|Taylor & Francis Ltd|28 Jul 2016|Migration, immigration & emigration 9781472450579|Rethinking Job Security|119.99|https://wordery.com/rethinking-job-security-joanna-howe-9781472450579|This book critically examines the proper role of the law in protecting job security in the contemporary workplace. It provides a historical, theoretical, practical and comparative perspective on this under-researched, but fundamentally important, legal mechanism at a time when the pressure to deregulate and dilute worker-protective laws has taken on increased importance. The volume critically analyses both statute and case law from three advanced industrialised liberal democracies with a common law foundation, the UK, Australia and the USA, to understand the extent to which job security is realised. By applying a common approach and a conceptual framework that emphasises the complex relationships between law, the economy and society to analyse a series of national studies, the book is also designed to draw upon the insights of comparative analysis to deepen our understanding of the limits and possibilities of legal regulation of job security. The national case studies are supplemented by research that focuses on how supra-national organisations have sought both to develop and disseminate new legal norms around the practices and processes of dismissal. This study critically analyses and assesses the adequacy of the international regulatory framework for protecting the rights of employees in the dismissal process.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/d296ce83/rethinking-job-security-joanna-howe-9781472450579.jpg|9781472450579|Rethinking Job Security : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472450579 : 26 Oct 2016 : This book critically examines the proper role of the law in protecting job security in the contemporary workplace. The volume critically analyses both statute and case law …|new|1|1|999|125|0|GBP|Joanna Howe|Taylor & Francis Ltd|26 Oct 2016|Employment & labour law 9781472456724|Drones and Responsibility|119.99|https://wordery.com/drones-and-responsibility-ezio-di-nucci-9781472456724|How does the use of military drones affect the legal, political, and moral responsibility of different actors involved in their deployment and design? This volume offers a fresh contribution to the ethics of drone warfare by providing, for the first time, a systematic interdisciplinary discussion of different responsibility issues raised by military drones. The book discusses four main sets of questions: First, from a legal point of view, we analyse the ways in which the use of drones makes the attribution of criminal responsibility to individuals for war crimes more complicated and what adjustments may be required in international criminal law and in military practices to avoid ‘responsibility gaps’ in warfare. From a moral and political perspective, the volume looks at the conditions under which the use of military drones by states is impermissible, permissible, or even obligatory and what the responsibilities of a state in the use of drones towards both its citizens and potential targets are. From a socio-technical perspective, what kind of new human machine interaction might (and should) drones bring and which new kinds of shared agency and responsibility? Finally, we ask how the use of drones changes our conception of agency and responsibility. The book will be of interest to scholars and students in (military) ethics and to those in law, politics and the military involved in the design, deployment and evaluation of military drones.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/f34a2757/drones-and-responsibility-ezio-di-nucci-9781472456724.jpg|9781472456724|Drones and Responsibility : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472456724 : 25 Jul 2016 : This volume offers a fresh contribution to the ethics of drone warfare by providing, for the first time, a systematic interdisciplinary discussion of different responsibi …|new|1|1|999|125|0|GBP|Ezio Di Nucci|Taylor & Francis Ltd|25 Jul 2016|Theory of warfare & military science 9781472444455|Value-creation in Middle Market Private Equity|114.99|https://wordery.com/value-creation-in-middle-market-private-equity-john-a-lanier-9781472444455|Value-creation in Middle Market Private Equity by John A. Lanier holistically examines the ecosystem relationships between middle market private equity firms and their portfolio companies. Small business is the job creating engine in the US economy, and consequently is a prime target market for private equity investment. Indeed, private equity backs over six of each 100 private sector jobs. Both the small businesses in which private equity firms invest, and the private equity firms making the investments, face inter- and intra-company fiduciary leadership challenges while implementing formulated strategy. The architecture of each private equity firm-portfolio company relationship must be uniquely crafted to capitalize on the projected return on investment that is memorialized in the investment thesis. Given the leveraged capital structure of portfolio companies, the cost of a misstep is problematic. Individual private equity professionals are typically members of multiple investment teams for the firm. Not only may each investment team have its own unique leadership style, but its diverse members have to assimilate styles for each team in which they participate relative to a specific portfolio company. Acquisitions and their subsequent integrations add exponential complexity for both private equity investment and portfolio company leadership teams; indeed, cultural integration ranks among the most chronic acquisition obstacles. Accordingly, the stakeholders of private equity transactions do well to embrace leadership best practices in applying value-creation toolbox best practices. The perspectives of both the private equity investment team and the portfolio company leadership team are within the scope of these chapters.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/c93c9e1a/value-creation-in-middle-market-private-equity-john-a-lanier-9781472444455.jpg|9781472444455|Value-creation in Middle Market Private Equity : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472444455 : 28 Jan 2015 : Examines the ecosystem relationships between middle market private equity firms and their portfolio companies. Small business is the job creating eng …|new|1|1|999|120|0|GBP|John A. Lanier|Taylor & Francis Ltd|28 Jan 2015|Investment & securities 9781472451279|Chopin in Britain|124.99|https://wordery.com/chopin-in-britain-peter-willis-9781472451279|In 1848, the penultimate year of his life, Chopin visited England and Scotland at the instigation of his aristocratic Scots pupil, Jane Stirling. In the autumn of that year, he returned to Paris. The following autumn he was dead. Despite the fascination the composer continues to hold for scholars, this brief but important period, and his previous visit to London in 1837, remain little known. In this richly illustrated study, Peter Willis draws on extensive original documentary evidence, as well as cultural artefacts, to tell the story of these two visits and to place them into aristocratic and artistic life in mid-nineteenth-century England and Scotland. In addition to filling a significant hole in our knowledge of the composer’s life, the book adds to our understanding of a number of important figures, including Jane Stirling and the painter Ary Scheffer. The social and artistic milieux of London, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh are brought to vivid life.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/37b94170/chopin-in-britain-peter-willis-9781472451279.jpg|9781472451279|Chopin in Britain : Hardback : Routledge : 9781472451279 : 18 Dec 2017 : In 1848, Chopin visited England and Scotland. That autumn, he returned to Paris and the following autumn he was dead. Despite the fascination the composer continues to hold for s …|new|1|1|999|130|0|GBP|Peter Willis|Taylor & Francis Ltd|18 Dec 2017|Individual composers & musicians, specific ban … 9781472447500|Meanings and Values of Water in Russian Culture|119.99|https://wordery.com/meanings-and-values-of-water-in-russian-culture-jane-costlow-9781472447500|Bringing together a team of scholars from the diverse fields of geography, literary studies and history, this is the first volume to study water as a cultural phenomenon within the Russian/Soviet context. Water in this context is both a cognitive and cultural construct and a geographical and physical phenomenon, representing particular rivers (the Volga, the Chusovaia in the Urals, the Neva) and bodies of water (from Baikal to sacred springs and the flowing water of nineteenth-century estates), but alsopowerful systems of meaning from traditional cultures and those forged in the radical restructuring undertaken in the 1930s. Individual chapters explore the polyvalence and contestation of meanings, dimensions and values given to water in various times and spaces in Russian history. The reservoir of symbolic association is tapped by poets and film makers but also by policy makers, the popular press and advertisers seeking to incite reaction or drive sales. The volume’s emphasis on the cultural dimensionsof water will link material that is often widely disparate in time and space; it will also serve as the methodological framework for the analysis undertaken both within chapters and in the editors’ introduction"–Provided by publisher.