Coaching for Emotional Intelligence

Coaching for Emotional Intelligence
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At some point in their careers, all managers face a frustrating and seemingly insurmountable challenge – the highly intelligent, highly skilled direct report who is failing when he should be excelling. Often, this employee is destroying not only his own career, but also the morale of the rest of the team. While this behavior may initially seem willful, it is more than likely due to a lack of emotional intelligence – the ability to comprehend one’s emotions, empathize with the feelings of others, and interact with people in ways that promote congenial working relationships. More than any other trait, emotional intelligence is the one variable that can transform a mediocre employee into an exceptional one. Managers now have a new and demanding role. They must become coaches who help their employees to develop emotional intelligence and the positive interpersonal relationships that result. And while this kind of corrective coaching may seem daunting and unpleasant to many managers, it is also achievable with the right tools. In Coaching for Emotional Intelligence, Bob Wall offers coaching strategies that will enable every manager to elicit excellence by improving the negative behaviors and communications flaws that are undermining an employee’s performance. The book provides a structured format for formulating and delivering both praise and corrective feedback, as well as a step-by-step method and sample scripts for conducting a coaching session. Readers will: Overcome the fear of coaching on sensitive, personal issues. Learn the critical importance of praise–and how to give it. Understand the influences that shaped the behaviors of the individual being coached. Determine whether an employee is responding to corrective coaching, when to keep him – and when to fire him. Create an action plan for teaching employees to identify and alter unwanted behavior. Master spontaneous coaching: delivering praise in 15-20 seconds – and corrective feedback within 45 seconds …|Books||9780814433782|Coaching for Emotional Intelligence : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814433782 : 24 Apr 2018 : In Coaching for Emotional Intelligence, Bob Wall offers coaching strategies that will enable every manager to elicit excellence by improving the negative behavior …|new|1|1|80|15.99|0|GBP|Bob WALL|HarperCollins Focus|24 Apr 2018|Business & management books 9780814432631|The Performance Appraisal Tool Kit|13.99||Offers guidance on crafting a comprehensive performance evaluation program that addresses the specific and evolving needs of an organization and that takes into account such factors as workforce composition and company growth.|Books||9780814432631|The Performance Appraisal Tool Kit : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814432631 : 30 Mar 2018 : Performance reviews should raise more than just salaries–they should raise the company’s efficiency levels and bottom line as well!|new|1|1|80|18.99|0|GBP|Paul Falcone|HarperCollins Focus|30 Mar 2018|Personnel & human resources management 9780814420096|High-Profit Selling|11.99||In the high-pressure quest to make a sale, acquire a contract, and beat out other bidders, sales professionals frequently resort to short-term strategies like cutting prices, offering discounts, or making other concessions. High-Profit Selling teaches readers to rethink their approach to sales goals–so they not only sell a greater quantity but sell with the bottom line in mind. By explaining how short-term strategies are destructive to the long-term sustainability of a business, this eye-opening book helps readers instead focus their energy on ?profit sales? that successfully execute product price increases while maintaining and strengthening current customer relationships. You’ll learn how to avoid negotiating, actively listen to customers, match the benefits of products or services with customers’ needs and pains, confidently communicate value, and ensure prospects are serious and not shopping for price. Too many salespeople believe that a sale at any price is better than no sale at all. High-Profit Selling teaches them to do away with this logic and instead make sales that satisfy and add value to both the client and company.|Books||9780814420096|High-Profit Selling : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814420096 : 13 Apr 2018 : Negotiating isn’t always in a business’s best interest. This powerful guide explains how to increase your sales–and do so while selling at a higher price.|new|1|1|80|16.99|0|GBP|Mark Hunter, CSP|HarperCollins Focus|13 Apr 2018|Sales & marketing 9780814433812|The Art of War for Small Business: Defeat the Competition and Dominate the Market with the Masterful Strategies of Sun Tzu|11.16||The author adapts the principles in The Art of War" for small businesses, teaching them to choose the right ground for battle, strike at competitors’ weakest points, and build and leverage strategic alliances.