Body of Love

Body of Love
16.28 GBP 18.72 GBP
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Body of Love 57 Secrets in Creating Your Ideal Body Using The Law of Attraction shows you how to harmonize with your body and soul in creating your ideal body. This book teaches you powerful strategies to use your mind so that your body will follow. Once you apply these techniques you will go beyond the traditional diet and exercise protocol. These proven strategies can also help you to empower other areas of your life too.Transform your negative emotions about your bodyBreakthrough the barriers that have been keeping your weight stuckProgram your mind to be thinDiscover how you can attract your ideal body weight without spending hours in the gymLearn how to use your intuition in guiding you to your healthy eating without investing lots of money on fad dietsStop self-sabotaging behaviors Release excess weight without harmful dietingLearn a technique that is more powerful than visualization in attracting your ideal body