Best Worst First

Best Worst First
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In Best Worst First: 75 Network Marketing Experts on Everything You Need to Know to Build the Business of Your Dreams, authors Margie Aliprandi and Martha Finney deliver over 225 strategies essential to creating MLM success. Margie and Martha spent over a year interviewing all the network marketing experts you’d love to meet and asking them three essential questions designed to spring open their most powerful success secrets. You’ll also meet new voices in the profession - great role models in their 20s, 30s, and 40s whose five- and six-figure monthly checks are proof positive that you can make your dream life happen for you too! What you’ll learn: How to sustain your Day One passion and spread it throughout your team. How to build an international organization. How to make recruiting fun. How to build rapport with new friends and strangers. How to use social media to grow your teams online. How to keep your spirits up and learn to welcome the word “no.” How to manage your new wealth. How to become a multimillionaire in your 20s. How to replace your inner critic with your inner booster. How to create your ideal dream team. How to build your retirement income rapidly. How to select the right company. How to protect your time, energy, relationships, and emotions as you grow. And much, much more! Find your favorite network marketing icons here: Jordan Adler; Margie Aliprandi; Tom Alkazin; Eric Allen; Jen Audette; Janine Avila; Pamela and Kevin Barnum; Kody Bateman; Calvin Becerra; Tina Beer; Tyler Bennett; BK Boreyko; Richard Brooke; Masa Cemazar; Onyx Coale; Dana Collins; Chris Cucchiara; Jane Deuber; Ken Dunn; Sandy Elsberg; Sean Escobar; Tony and Randi Escobar; Kimmy Everett; Todd Falcone; Ann Feinstein; Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz; Janine Finney and Lory Muirhead; Doug Firebaugh; Tyler Ford; Randy Gage; Puya Ghandian; Kirk Gillespie; Amee Gleave; Natalie Goddard; Debi Gr …