Content Audits

Why Content Audit SEO Is Essential For Success

Why Content Audit SEO Is Essential For Success

Now that you’ve created substantial content for your website, you’ll want to know which content sells and fails. But how do you do that? That’s where content audit for website comes into the picture. It’ll help organise your content.

An audit keeps track of content that generates traffic and you’ll learn about which content lacks optimisation. With content audit SEO, you’ll be able to improve your future campaigns and optimise content. It analyses the performance of social media posts, blogs, newsletters, and many more.

With our help, we can do an extensive keyword analysis to determine which content can be improved, written, or deleted.

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Let Us Build A Strategy And Content Audits For Your Business

If you’re looking for ways to increase conversion rates, generate leads, and grow traffic to your website, an SEO analysis will do its magic. When you book your first free consultation with us, we can determine effective SEO techniques relevant to your business and give you a better understanding of optimisation methods. Once you understand what your audience searches and types, you’ll be able to lead them directly to the right content from your website.

The Goals Of A Content Audit

A content audits determine which parts of your website need further optimisation. A website’s core structure relies on meta descriptions and keywords that’ll help readers find you. When you run a content audit, it gives you the opportunity to update content – from broken links to missing header keywords.

How We Perform A Content Audit

We follow four simple steps to perform a comprehensive content audit. The first thing to do is collect your content including articles, posts and blogs.

Once all the content is gathered, it is now time to categorise them and determine which pages lack SEO.

The content is organised according to heading, meta title, meta description, type of content, content purpose, links, and content metrics. Step three involves content analysation. Depending on your business goals, you’ll determine which content is underperforming and irrelevant and which ones need improvement.

The last step in content audit SEO is about constant updates. Always do regular updates, especially when adding new content.

See How content creation Changed Our Clients’ Business

Clients Who Loved Our Work

Since we hired Assignment Hub to analyse our content’s performance, our website grew more traffic and increased our conversation rate. They improved our SEO down to every corner of our website.

Robert James

Our company is relatively new and we wanted to learn about the importance of a content audit. Thanks to Assignment Hub, we had a clearer picture on what to do for our business.

Mary Patricia

Our first consultation was worth it and packed with the information we needed for our business growth. After our consultation, we decided to partner with Assignment Hub and trusted their full-service.

Aaliyah Matthews

How Content Audit SEO Changed Our Clients’ Business

Here’s How We Helped Our Clients’ Businesses Grow

Our goal as a content marketing agency is to help clients see substantial results. If you’re looking for helpful content, read our portfolio and wide range of case studies.

It shows how our digital marketing has improved their business through site optimisation. With simple but effective strategies, your site’s ranking in search engines like Google and Safari becomes better.

For more information on content audits, check out our free guides and blogs to help upgrade your marketing game. Visit our site for the latest news and tips about marketing and optimising your site. For a more detailed approach, don’t forget to claim your free consultation and chat with our experts.

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