What World Is This?

What World Is This?
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Whether we start from the pandemic, climate change, the inequality engendered by capitalism, the violence of racism and sexism, or any of a number of global crises, it is apparent that we are far from any idea of a common world, a world that is a site of belonging. Such a world would require a fundamental transformation of how we understand value–that everyone’s life has value beyond market value and that the world is structured to facilitate everyone’s flourishing. Such a world requires, too, the upending and reorientation of everyone’s epistemic field, one’s very sense of the limit and structure of the world, in order to apprehend the worlds of others and to find connection. Judith Butler draws, surprisingly, on Wittgenstein’s sense that the world can be revealed as different than it was-precisely what the pandemic brought about. But what kind of world is it? Phenomenologist Max Scheler would say that it is a world that exhibits itself through its very breath as tragic. And how are we to live in thisworld? Critically, it must be inhabitable, and here is found the limit of personal freedom, which carried to its extreme makes the world unlivable both for others and for oneself. The world must also be tangible. As Merleau-Ponty describes it, touch is acharacteristic of the world rather than a power that we have. We are bodies within a field of interrelated bodies–which has ethical and political consequences, moving beyond an ontology of individuals to an ontology of the world around us. We are asked to accept a vision of an interconnected world in which our breath is shared with others. Can we reimagine what we mean by social equality and inequality in the context of bodily interdependency? We have seen how the natural world begins to restore itself during the restrictions implemented during the pandemic; we have also seen the differential health results due to environmental racism. Together, they suggest that we have an obligation to reorder the world on prin …|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/10afc294/what-world-is-this-judith-butler-9780231208291.jpg|9780231208291|What World Is This? : Paperback : Columbia University Press : 9780231208291 : 08 Nov 2022 : Judith Butler shows how COVID-19 and all its consequences-political, social, ecological, economic-challenge us to develop a new account of interdependency. But …|new|1|1|58|14.99|0|GBP|Judith Butler|Columbia University Press|08 Nov 2022|Phenomenology & Existentialism 9780231203043|Expectations Investing|17.02|https://wordery.com/expectations-investing-michael-j-mauboussin-9780231203043|Most investment books try to assess the attractiveness of a stock price by estimating the value of the company. Expectations Investing provides a powerful and insightful alternative to identifying gaps between price and value. Michael J. Mauboussin and Alfred Rappaport suggest that an investor start with a known quantity, the stock price, and ask what it implies for future financial results. After showing how to read expectations, Mauboussin and Rappaport provide a guide to rigorous strategic and financial analysis to help investors assess the likelihood of revisions to these expectations. Their framework traces value creation from the triggers that shape a company’s performance to the impact on the value drivers. This allows a practitioner of expectations investing to determine whether a stock is an attractive buy or sell candidate. Investors who read this book will be able to evaluate stocks of companies in any sector or geography more effectively than those who use the standard approaches of most investors. Managers can use the book’s principles to devise, adjust, and communicate their company’s strategy in light of shareholder expectations. This revised and updated edition reflects the many changes in accounting and the business landscape since the book was first published and provides a wealth of new examples and case studies.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/1917fb6d/expectations-investing-michael-j-mauboussin-9780231203043.jpg|9780231203043|Expectations Investing : Hardback : Columbia University Press : 9780231203043 : 14 Dec 2021 : Most investment books try to assess the attractiveness of a stock price by estimating the value of the company. Expectations Investing provides a powerful an …|new|1|1|5|22|0|GBP|Michael J. Mauboussin|Columbia University Press|14 Dec 2021|Stocks & shares 9780232518405|In Search of Julian of Norwich|4.33|https://wordery.com/in-search-of-julian-of-norwich-sheila-upjohn-9780232518405|Over the years this book has introduced many readers to the life and times of Julian of Norwich and to extracts of her writings. Essential reading for those who have come to recognise the value of this English woman’s writings way back in the 1300s. Sheila Upjohn’s narrative helps us to imagine her as she was in her lifetime, still influencing so many lives today.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/46f99f79/in-search-of-julian-of-norwich-sheila-upjohn-9780232518405.jpg|9780232518405|In Search of Julian of Norwich : Paperback : Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd : 9780232518405 : 01 May 1989 : Over the years this book has introduced many readers to the life and times of Julian of Norwich and to extracts of her writings. Essential reading …|new|1|1|1|8.95|0|GBP|Sheila Upjohn|Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd|01 May 1989|Christian theology 9780232516944|In Search of a Way|16.99|https://wordery.com/in-search-of-a-way-gerard-w-hughes-9780232516944|‘I don’t think you know who you are.’ At first, Gerard Hughes had a ready answer: ‘I am a Jesuit priest.’ A year later the question exploded inside him. What is the meaning of Christian faith? What is the Church? What does it mean to be a Christian, a Jesuit? After living with these questions for seven years he was given a year off for study and began with two weeks on a desert island followed by a ten week walk to Rome. The author of God of Surprises writes with great candour about his own inner journey and his walk to Rome: the ‘outer’ journey which helped to focus and clarify many of his spiritual perceptions. This is the revised edition of a book which will make you reflect deeply and laugh aloud; a unique blend of spiritual perception and hard-headed worldly wisdom.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/4eb9faf3/in-search-of-a-way-gerard-w-hughes-9780232516944.jpg|9780232516944|In Search of a Way : Paperback : Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd : 9780232516944 : 01 Nov 1986 : ‘I don’t think you know who you are.’ At first, Gerard Hughes had a ready answer: ‘I am a Jesuit priest.’ A year later the question exploded inside him. What …|new|1|1|999|10.99|0|GBP|Gerard W. Hughes|Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd|01 Nov 1986|Personal Christian testimony & popular inspira … 9780231203326|Dostoyevsky, or The Flood of Language|14.38|https://wordery.com/dostoyevsky-or-the-flood-of-language-julia-kristeva-9780231203326|Growing up in Bulgaria, Julia Kristeva was warned by her father not to read Dostoyevsky. ?Of course, and as usual,? she recalls, ?I disobeyed paternal orders and plunged into Dosto. Dazzled, overwhelmed, engulfed.? Kristeva would go on to become one of the most important figures in European intellectual life?and she would return over and over again to Dostoyevsky, still haunted and enraptured by the force of his writing. In this book, Kristeva embarks on a wide-ranging and stimulating inquiry into Dostoyevsky’s work and the profound ways it has influenced her own thinking. Reading across his major novels and shorter works, Kristeva offers incandescent insights into the potent themes that draw her back to the Russian master: God, otherness, violence, eroticism, the mother, the father, language itself. Both personal and erudite, the book intermingles Kristeva’s analysis with her recollections of Dostoyevsky’s significance in different intellectual moments?the rediscovery of Bakhtin in the Thaw-era Eastern Bloc, the debates over poststructuralism in 1960s France, and today’s arguments about whether it can be said that ?everything is permitted.? Brilliant and vivid, this is an essential book for admirers of both Kristeva and Dostoyevsky. It also features an illuminating foreword by Rowan Williams that reflects on the significance of Kristeva’s reading of Dostoyevsky for his own understanding of religious writing.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/66ea9cc6/dostoyevsky-or-the-flood-of-language-julia-kristeva-9780231203326.jpg|9780231203326|Dostoyevsky, or The Flood of Language : Hardback : Columbia University Press : 9780231203326 : 28 Dec 2021 : Julia Kristeva embarks on a wide-ranging and stimulating inquiry into Dostoyevsky’s work and the profound ways it has influenced her own think …|new|1|1|3|14.99|0|GBP|Julia Kristeva|Columbia University Press|28 Dec 2021|Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose w … 9780231205351|The Immersive Enclosure|24.57|https://wordery.com/the-immersive-enclosure-paul-roquet-9780231205351|Virtual reality is currently at a crucial inflection point, setting industry standards and social expectations that will shape the technology for decades to come. Companies like Facebook are investing millions of dollars into the technology, hoping to own what they promise will be the next major platform for both work and entertainment. How VR will and has been developed and implemented has not simply been a question of technology or the market but been determined by cultural and political factors in the United States and Japan, the two largest markets for this technology. In The VR Enclosure, Paul Roquet examines VR in Japan, showing how the cultural context surrounding the headset is just as important as what happens inside. Roquet discusses how Japandiverged from the American models, which promoted both a utopian vision of VR, as exemplified by Jaron Lanier and other earlier Silicon Valley figures, and one that emphasized military uses. Instead, Japan reconfigured VR to to address labor and culturalcrises. The use of VR-operated telerobots for everyday service and factory work have promised a solution to the country’s intensifying labor shortage. On the other side of the spectrum, Roquet argues that as Japan’s economic miracle died down and the hopefulness of the 1960s faded, individuals, predominantly male, turned to VR as a mode of escape and fantasy borrowing from existing cultural forms, including manga, video games, and novels"–