The Small-Cap Advantage - How Top Endowments and Foundations Turn Small Stocks into Big Returns

The Small-Cap Advantage - How Top Endowments and Foundations Turn Small Stocks into Big Returns
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A world-renowned money manager shares winning strategies forsmall-stock investing Since forming Bares Capital Management, Inc. in 2000, BrianBares has shown that above average returns can be generated throughthe careful selection of small company common stocks. Additionally,he’s shown how concentrating capital in a handful of ideas improvesthe potential for outperformance by increasing the depth ofknowledge of each position and allowing each security to have amore meaningful impact on the portfolio. In The Small-CapAdvantage: How Top Endowments and Foundations Turn Small StocksInto Big Returns, Bares describes how endowment-model investorsand aspiring managers can gain meaningful exposure to small stockswhile sidestepping many of the obstacles that have historicallyprevented institutional investment in the asset class. The bookalso Details the historical outperformance of small-cap stocksContrasts the various strategies employed by managers in thespaceExplains how aspiring managers can structure a firm to boostperformance and attract institutional capitalDescribes how endowment-model institutions can evaluate andengage outside managers for their small-cap allocationsSummarizes important topics such as liquidity and the researchprocessBigger is not better. The Small-Cap Advantage revealsthat small stocks have historically performed better than largeones, and that lack of competition in small-cap stocks providesdiligent managers with a singular opportunity to outperform.