The Real-Time Contact Center

The Real-Time Contact Center
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To get a competitive edge in a world of commoditized service, companies have to convert their reactive, cost-oriented contact centers into predictive, engaged, revenue-generating, real-time profit centers. A real-time contact center provides an outstanding customer experience, enhances loyalty, increases sales, reduces expenses, and streamlines information flow between the center and the company at large – all of which adds up to substantial bottom-line improvement. The Real-Time Contact Center is a practical guide to building a service infrastructure that will simultaneously exceed your customers’ expectations, and build revenues. This timely book will help you: Establish the business case for transforming your contact center into a real-time profit center. * Sort through the technologies and systems that enable real-time contact centers, and learn the best ways to use them. * Build profitable relationships with sales and marketing. * Strengthen your self-service applications to improve their efficiency and to reduce dependence on service representatives, enabling significant cost reductions. * Hire, train, and motivate staff to keep your contact center at the top of its game. * Make smart, ethical decisions regarding offshore outsourcing. The book is packed with step-by-step implementation plans for migrating from your current model to the real-time contact center, and offers a complete package of winning strategies, practical guidelines, and best practices. Each chapter includes self-assessment checklists for use by all the crucial players in your contact environment. The Real-Time Contact Center analyzes the business trends that are driving change in the contact center market, and provides vendor names and a market overview of key call center technology, systems, and applications. The book also discusses how to optimize management and processes to ensure your people are well positioned to deliver extraordinary service with every interaction. Most important …|Books||9780814414439|The Real-Time Contact Center : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814414439 : 30 Apr 2018 : A real-time contact center provides an outstanding customer experience, enhances loyalty, increases sales, reduces expenses, and streamlines information flow between the …|new|1|1|80|20|0|GBP|Donna FLUSS|HarperCollins Focus|30 Apr 2018|Customer services 9780814416372|The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking Because People Do Business with People They Like|14.99||As the founder and CEO of the management training organization Executive Essentials, Michelle Tillis coaches and trains leaders to experience continual growth and achieve results through the power of collaboration, communication, and relationships. In 11 Laws of Likability, she presents activities, self-assessment quizzes, and real-life anecdotes from professional and social settings to show readers how to identify what’s likable in themselves and use those characteristics to build connections with other professionals. The worst thing anyone can do when trying to establish a personal bond with someone is to come across as manipulative or self-serving. That’s why Michelle focuses on the power of authentic connections, which go much deeper and feel much easier than trying to hit self-imposed business card collection quotas. This book presents a new paradigm that shows even the most networking-averse how to network well–and maybe even enjoy the process.You’ll discover how to start conversations and keep them going with ease; convert acquaintances into friends; uncover people’s preferences; tweak your personal style to enable engaging, reciprocal interactions; and leave a lasting impression on others after your initial meeting.We all know that networking is important, and that forming relationships with others is a vital part of success. But traditional forms of networking often remove emotions from the equation–focusing only on immediate goals. This book teaches readers how to build the kind of deep relationships that have true staying power, bring genuine joy, and provide long-term support.|Books||9780814416372|The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking Because People Do Business with People They Like : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814416372 : 16 Oct 2011 : What do people like about you? Learn how to identify and leverage your strongest traits to build m …|new|1|1|97|13.99|0|GBP|Michelle Tillis Lederman|HarperCollins Focus|16 Oct 2011|Management & management techniques 9780814415955|Resilience at Work|11.99||Why do some people remain so calm and collected in the face of looming deadlines, combative meetings, impending layoffs, and turbulent changes? And why are these seemingly unflappable people the ones who consistently get ahead in their lives and their careers? The key to success is their resilience, according to the founders of the innovative Hardiness Institute in Newport Beach, California. More than experience or training, resilience in the face of stressful situations and rapid changes determines whether you ultimately succeed or fail in the workplace. It allows you to thrive even in tumultuous conditions, to turn potential disasters into growth opportunities. And the good news for the legions of other workers who become overwhelmed, and even sickened, by stress is that resilience in the face of life’s problems is not an inborn personality trait, but a set of skills and attitudes that you can actually learn and develop. Resilience at Work gives you the knowledge, tools, and encouragement you need to embark on your journey to becoming a hardier, more successful person. Based on a twelve-year study of Illinois Bell Telephone employees as they experienced immense organizational change, as well as hundreds of subsequent studies and firsthand consulting and training experience, the book shows how to enhance your capacity to succeed in even the harshest economic climates. Packed with insightful examples, case studies, and self-assessment tools, Resilience at Work explains how to: * Approach change as a meaningful challenge no matter how stressful the circumstances, and stay committed to your work, rather than detaching and giving up. * Gain control by understanding the upside and the downside of change, and take actions to influence beneficial outcomes. * Turn stressful changes to your advantage and map out sound problem-solving strategies. * Resolve ongoing conflicts and build an environment of assistance and encouragement between you and your coworkers. * Decreas …|Books||9780814415955|Resilience at Work : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814415955 : 23 Apr 2018 : Resilience at Work gives you the knowledge, tools, and encouragement you need to embark on your journey to becoming a hardier, more successful person. Resilience in the face of st …|new|1|1|80|16.99|0|GBP|Salvatore R. MADDI|HarperCollins Focus|23 Apr 2018|Advice on careers & achieving success 9780814408735|Fundamentals of Sales Management for the Newly Appointed Sales Manager|11.99||Making the leap into sales management means meeting a whole new set of challenges. As a manager, you’re going to have to quickly develop the skills that allow you to build and supervise a sales team, communicate effectively, set goals, be a mentor, and much, much more. Now that you’ve been handed these unfamiliar responsibilities, you’re going to have to think on your feet – or face the possibility of not living up to expectations. Easy-to-understand and filled with realistic examples and immediately usable strategies, Fundamentals of Sales Management for the Newly Appointed Sales Manager helps you understand what it takes to be a great sales manager, allowing you to avoid many of the common first-time sales management mistakes, and be successful right out of the gate. Dispensing with dry theory, the book helps you understand your new role in the organization, and how to thrive simultaneously as both a member of the management team, and as a team leader. You’ll learn how to: ? Make a smooth transition into management. ? Build a superior, high-functioning sales team. ? Set objectives and plan performance. ? Delegate responsibilities. ? Recruit new employees. ? Improve productivity and effectiveness. Based on the bestselling American Management Association seminar, the book supplies you with indispensable, need-to-know information on communicating with your team, your bosses, your peers, and your customers; developing a sales plan and understanding the relationship between corporate, department, and individual plans; applying crucial time management skills to your new role; managing a sales territory; interviewing and hiring the right people; building a motivational environment; compensating your people; and understanding the difference between training, coaching, and counseling?and knowing how to excel at each. You can’t make the leap into sales management successfully without the proper tools and information under your belt. Fundamentals of Sales Management for …|Books||9780814408735|Fundamentals of Sales Management for the Newly Appointed Sales Manager : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814408735 : 19 Jun 2018 : Making the leap into sales management means meeting a whole new set of challenges. Fundamentals of Sales Management for the New …|new|1|1|80|16.99|0|GBP|Matthew Schwartz|HarperCollins Focus|19 Jun 2018|Sales & marketing management 9780814416471|More Time for You|11.99||Offers a system to get and stay organized, providing tips on prioritizing responsibilities, handling e-mail, and leveraging social media.|Books||9780814416471|More Time for You : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814416471 : 19 Jun 2018 : For working parents, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and anyone feeling overwhelmed and overworked, this powerful system for getting things done shows you how to become more organized and lea …|new|1|1|80|16.99|0|GBP|Rosemary Tator|HarperCollins Focus|19 Jun 2018|Time management 9780814415290|The Little Black Book of Project Management|9.99||For nearly twenty years, The Little Black Book of Project Management has provided businesspeople everywhere with a quick and effective introduction to project management tools and methodology. The revised and updated third edition reflects the newest techniques, the latest project management software, as well as the most recent changes to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK?). Readers will find invaluable strategies for organizing any project; implementing the Six Sigma approach; choosing the project team; preparing a budget and sticking to it; scheduling, flowcharting, and controlling a project; preparing project documentation; managing communications; and much more. Project management has increasingly become about getting more and better results with fewer resources. In this fast-read solution for both seasoned and first-time project managers, author Michael C. Thomsett shares his not-so-little secrets to achieving the results professionals want, increasing their organizational ability, generating consistent profit, and gaining a reputation for both quality and dependability.|Books||9780814415290|The Little Black Book of Project Management : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814415290 : 22 Jun 2018 : Anyone can achieve consistent, superior, on-time results that advance an organization’s mission and yield a major profit. This proven guide to project man …|new|1|1|999|14.99|0|GBP|Michael Thomsett|HarperCollins Focus|22 Jun 2018|Project management 9780814416679|From Difficult to Disturbed|13.99||Nationally syndicated career columnist Joyce Lain Kennedy’s ten best career books for 2007 How does an already busy manager deal with people whose personalities are difficult or even seriously disturbed? The answer lies in using practical psychology to understand just what it is that makes them tick, whether it’s something as common as being introverted or extroverted . . . or something much more serious. From Difficult to Disturbed helps readers become better managers by providing insight into both big and small people-problems that can seriously disrupt the workplace if they’re not handled correctly. The book contains down-to-earth solutions for dealing with: Personality Types including avoidant, dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, or antisocial workers ? Common People Problems such as unproductive, angry, uncooperative, or chronic problem employees ? Mental Disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety and panic disorders, as well as alcohol and substance abuse Every workplace is filled with a wide range of personalities. This book gives managers the insight, understanding, and tools they need to get the best from those who present the toughest problems.|Books||9780814416679|From Difficult to Disturbed : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814416679 : 12 Sep 2018 : How does an already busy manager deal with people whose personalities are difficult or even seriously disturbed? The answer lies in using practical psychology to understa …|new|1|1|80|18.99|0|GBP|Laurence Miller|HarperCollins Focus|12 Sep 2018|Personnel & human resources management 9780814416709|The Behavioral Advantage|18.00||In their book Winning Behavior, Terry Bacon and David Pugh showed how great companies outperform good ones through ““behavioral differentiation”” – going beyond superior products and dependable service to connect with customers at every touchpoint. The Behavioral Advantage broadens the concept, applying behavioral differentiation to the business-to-business arena. The best B2B companies depend on a multifront approach to business interaction, and The Behavioral Advantage reveals the secrets behind what is essentially a chess game with competitors. To win the game, companies must develop a carefully plotted opening game, with all internal values, policies, practices, and behaviors fully aligned. A smart and efficient middle game lets the company build and strengthen its position, and the endgame assures victory and lays the groundwork for future business. Just as individual customers do, B2B customers remember those companies whose behavior consistently and significantly outshines even strong competitors. These firms create a lasting advantage – and reap the profits that come with it."