The New Professional Salesman

The New Professional Salesman
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Ways and means of selling are fast evolving, as new paradigms of doing business engender new forms of relationships between sellers and buyers. The new breed of professional salespersons must respond to this rapidly shifting environment in the context of globalization, technological change and changing concepts of loyalty in the 21st century. The New Professional Salesman: Meeting Challenges in the 21st Century, written in Walter Vieira’s inimitable style with simplicity, humour and clarity, will appeal to sales professionals who are not inclined to read heavy tomes on the subject. The book meets the need of companies with both large field forces (pharmaceutical, FMCG, consumer durables, engineering) and a small number of salespersons. Such companies can now buy a copy for each salesperson and effectively provide a full training program for the cost of a ‘day’s travel allowance’. Covering the entire spectrum of the selling process, the book features:- A systematic organisation of material on the theory of selling-in the context of 21st century requirements.- Use of case studies to elucidate strategies.- Questions to reflect on and action points at the end of every chapter-to stimulate thinking, self-analysis and self-improvement.- A focus on the use of technology to improve selling effectiveness.- A simple style of writing to make learning a pleasure. This book is a must read for all salespersons and entrepreneurs, whether they sell products or services. Trainers will also find the book immensely helpful in conducting sales training workshops.