Six-Figure Musician - How to Sell More Music, Get More People to Your Shows, and Make More Money in the Music Business (Music Marketing [dot] Com Presents)

Six-Figure Musician - How to Sell More Music, Get More People to Your Shows, and Make More Money in the Music Business (Music Marketing [dot] Com Presents)
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pbAn Open Letter to Any Musician Who Wants tobr Make $100,000 (or More) in the Music Business/b/p pYou’re in a career where it’s considered “normal” to be broke. If you were doing anything else for a living, you’d have given up by now. pAnd I’m sure there are people in your life who wish you’d do just that… They want you to settle down, get a “real” job, and make music a hobby. pScrew ’em. The truth is, if you know what to do, you can bmake a lot of money as a musician/b. pbThis book shows you what to do./b You’ll learn exactly how to bmake money with your music/b – in the club, on the Internet, and on the road. pHere’s a taste of what’s waiting for you… liHow to get record labels to approach you (instead of you chasing them) liNobody at your shows? I’ll show you several ways to fix that… li"The Drip Method" – The most profitable way to release music. liA 100-year-old marketing trick developed by a woman thought to be “too fat and ugly” for a career in music – today it works better than ever! liThe greatest threat to your music business success (it’s not piracy) and how to neutralize it. liA songwriting secret from successful udrag queens/u and pissed off karaoke singers so potent, it almost buguarantees/u a great song/b! liHow a $10 “kitchen appliance” will make you a better songwriter li4 proven “cures” for music business burnout and overwhelm liWhat it takes for a musician to bmake $150,000/year/b (with only 500 fans) liRules for social media. Ignore these at your own risk. li"Superfan" Secrets - How to develop fans who buy everything you sell. liHow to sell lots of music… without being obnoxious or turning people off liAre you a musician over 40? Why age doesn’t matter anymore… liProven, word-for-word “scripts” and emails that bget people to buy your music/b li8 ways to bmake money/b giving your music away for free liA small change in the way you release new music that is so powerful, buyou will double the money you make/ …