Poor Students, Market-Oriented Education Reform

Poor Students, Market-Oriented Education Reform
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Inequality in India’s educational attainment is increasing at a faster rate since independence. Poor household, weaker sections, tribal societies and backward regions are left-out in this educational development. However, rich and elite students are getting high quality education in private sectors educational institutions or in foreign universities abroad. Quality and cost of education services are influenced by many factors which are beyond the boundaries of educational institutions. India’s inequality in educational development has been fueled by colonial administrative error and this led to education market failures, especially in educationally deprived regions. Erstwhile Zamindari areas and scheduled districts are still educationally deprived. Socialist model of economic development ruined the economy, since 1991, India’s economy adopted market driven economy but marketisation has not happened in education sector. RTE 2009, well intended legislation, is spoiling India’s school education system, especially public education service due to faulty design and lack of marketisation of education sector in the today’s market driven economy. This inte-disciplinay book analyses the reasons for this inequality in equity, quantity and quality of education on the basis of grss-root level experience and field survey. This book introduces the concept of marketisation of education service to reform India’s education system.