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The weeks following the election and inauguration of Donald J. Trump have been a time for reflection about the state of American politics and its deep ideological, cultural, racial, regional, and economic divisions. But one aspect that the contemporary discussions often miss is that these fissures have been opening over several decades and are deeply rooted in the structure of American politics and society. Long before the historically divisive presidential election of 2016, the polarization of Americanpolitics has been an important concern of scholars, journalists, and elected officials. Unfortunately, there have been few, if any, attempts to synthesize these debates in ways that are accessible to the educated general public. Polarization: What Everyone Needs to Know|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/b9d30f21/polarization-nolan-mccarty-9780190867775.jpg|9780190867775|Polarization : Paperback : Oxford University Press Inc : 9780190867775 : 12 Dec 2019 : Nolan McCarty’s Polarization: What Everyone Needs to Know (R) is an accessible introduction to polarization in America. McCarty takes readers through what scholar …|new|1|1|2|10.99|0|GBP|Nolan McCarty|Oxford University Press Inc|12 Dec 2019|Elections & referenda 9780190868567|Cancer Caregivers|42.49|https://wordery.com/cancer-caregivers-allison-j-applebaum-9780190868567|Informal caregivers - family members, friends, and other loved ones - are an essential, uncompensated and significantly burdened extension of the healthcare team. Rapid advances in cancer care, including new drugs and immunotherapies and more sophisticated diagnostic tools, have markedly improved the ability to medically extend lives and enhance survival. As patients are living longer, with today’s shorter hospital stays and shift towards increased outpatient care, however, the demands placed on all caregivers and their needs have substantially increased. Cancer Caregivers reveals the field of Psycho-Oncology’s exploration of the depth of complexities of caregiving experiences and identifies the vast expanses left to be understood. This text describes the characteristics and experiences of cancer caregivers based on their life stage, relationship to the patient, and ethnic group membership, as well as patients’ disease and treatment type. It highlights the significant progress in research focused on the development and dissemination of psychosocial interventions for cancer caregivers, and includes in-depth case studies to illustrate their delivery and application. The text also explores the provision of support to caregivers in the community and the legal and ethical concerns faced by caregivers throughout the caregiving process. Cancer Caregivers offers both fundamental and practical information and is the essential resource for all healthcare professionals who work with patients and families facing cancer.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/e23b32a4/cancer-caregivers-allison-j-applebaum-9780190868567.jpg|9780190868567|Cancer Caregivers : Paperback : Oxford University Press Inc : 9780190868567 : 21 Mar 2019 : Informal caregivers - family members, friends, and other loved ones - are an essential, uncompensated and significantly burdened extension of the healthcare te …|new|1|1|25|47.49|0|GBP|Allison J. Applebaum|Oxford University Press Inc|21 Mar 2019|Social work 9780190865337|Instrumental Analysis|193.21|https://wordery.com/instrumental-analysis-robert-m-granger-9780190865337|Instrumental Analysis provides a rigorous, modern, and engaging coverage of chemical instrumentation, written with the undergraduate student in mind. At its core, Instrumental Analysis includes the underlying theory, instrumental design, applications and operation of spectroscopic, electroanalytical, chromatographic, and mass spectral instrumentation. It provides students with the requisite skills to identify the comparative advantages and disadvantages in choosing one analytical technique over another by combining direct comparisons of the techniques with a discussion of how these choices affect the interpretation of the data in its final form.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/3cdd7daa/instrumental-analysis-robert-m-granger-9780190865337.jpg|9780190865337|Instrumental Analysis : Hardback : Oxford University Press Inc : 9780190865337 : 29 Nov 2018 : Instrumental Analysis provides a rigorous, modern, and engaging coverage of chemical instrumentation, written with the undergraduate student in mind.|new|1|1|2|169.99|0|GBP|Robert M. Granger|Oxford University Press Inc|29 Nov 2018|Scientific equipment, experiments & techniques 9780190868659|No Shortcuts|14.63|https://wordery.com/no-shortcuts-jane-f-mcalevey-9780190868659|The crisis of the progressive movement is so evident that nothing less than a fundamental rethinking of its basic assumptions is required. Today’s progressives now work for professional organizations more comfortable with the inside game in Washington DC (and capitols throughout the West), where they are outmatched and outspent by corporate interests. Labor unions now focus on the narrowest possible understanding of the interests of their members, and membership continues to decline in lockstep with the narrowing of their goals. Meanwhile, promising movements like Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter lack sufficient power to accomplish meaningful change. Why do progressives in the United States keep losing on so many issues? In No Shortcuts, Jane McAlevey argues that progressives can win, but lack the organized power to enact significant change, to outlast their bosses in labor fights, and to hold elected leaders accountable. Drawing upon her experience as a scholar and longtime organizer in the student, environmental, and labor movements, McAlevey examines cases from labor unions and social movements to pinpoint the factors that helped them succeed - or fail - to accomplish their intended goals. McAlevey makes a compelling case that the great social movements of previous eras gained their power from mass organizing, a strategy today’s progressives have mostly abandoned in favor of shallow mobilization or advocacy. She ultimately concludes that, in order to win, progressive movements need strong unions built from bottom-up organizing strategies that place the power for change in the hands of workers and ordinary people at the community level. Beyond the concrete examples in this book, McAlevey’s arguments have direct implications for anyone involved in organizing for social change. Much more than cogent analysis, No Shortcuts explains exactly how progressives can go about rebuilding powerful movements at work, in our communities, and at the ballot box.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/a3649857/no-shortcuts-jane-f-mcalevey-9780190868659.jpg|9780190868659|No Shortcuts : Paperback : Oxford University Press Inc : 9780190868659 : 31 May 2018 : The crisis of the progressive movement is so evident that nothing less than a fundamental rethinking of its basic assumptions is required. Today’s progressives now …|new|1|1|1|12.99|0|GBP|Jane F. McAlevey|Oxford University Press Inc|31 May 2018|Sociology: work & labour 9780190868734|Behavioral Finance|10.00|https://wordery.com/behavioral-finance-h-kent-baker-9780190868734|People tend to be penny wise and pound foolish and cry over spilt milk, even though we are taught to do neither. Focusing on the present at the expense of the future and basing decisions on lost value are two mistakes common to decision-making that are particularly costly in the world of finance. Behavioral Finance: What Everyone Needs to KnowR provides an overview of common shortcuts and mistakes people make in managing their finances. It covers the common cognitive biases or errors that occur when people are collecting, processing, and interpreting information. These include emotional biases and the influence of social factors, from culture to the behavior of one’s peers. These effects vary during one’s life, reflecting differences in due to age, experience, and gender. Among the questions to be addressed are: How did the financial crisis of 2007-2008 spur understanding human behavior? What are market anomalies and how do they relate to behavioral biases? What role does overconfidence play in financial decision- making? And how does getting older affect risk tolerance?|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/fb491adc/behavioral-finance-h-kent-baker-9780190868734.jpg|9780190868734|Behavioral Finance : Paperback : Oxford University Press Inc : 9780190868734 : 30 May 2019 : Behavioral Finance: What Everyone Needs to Know (R) provides an overview of common shortcuts and mistakes people make in managing their finances.|new|1|1|3|10.99|0|GBP|H. Kent Baker|Oxford University Press Inc|30 May 2019|Behavioural economics 9780190870423|Rural Child Welfare Practice|52.99|https://wordery.com/rural-child-welfare-practice-joanne-riebschleger-9780190870423|Drawn from real stories of rural child welfare practice, Rural Child Welfare Practice displays lessons learned from people working in the services field of child welfare. The casebook has 18 chapters illustrating rural child welfare practice rewards, challenges, strategies, and practice wisdom. Case vignettes include racial, ethnic, religious, sexual orientation, and rural diversity, with particular attention to working with Native Americans/American Indians as well as First Nation (Canada) and Aborigine (Australia) people. The book also covers a wide range of child welfare services - such as protective services, kinship care, and adoption - through a variety of perspectives. It is particularly useful for students, professionals, and educators exploring what today’s rural child welfare experts say must happen to engage in effective rural child welfare practice with children and families.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/d6d673f0/rural-child-welfare-practice-joanne-riebschleger-9780190870423.jpg|9780190870423|Rural Child Welfare Practice : Paperback : Oxford University Press Inc : 9780190870423 : 22 Mar 2018 : Rural Child Welfare Practice describes real-life case vignettes for educating and training students and professionals to work with diverse rural chi …|new|1|1|999|57.99|0|GBP|Joanne Riebschleger|Oxford University Press Inc|22 Mar 2018|Social work 9780190868895|Fixing Democracy|73.99|https://wordery.com/fixing-democracy-javier-corrales-9780190868895|The study of institutions, a core concept in comparative politics, has produced many rich and influential theories on the economic and political effects of institutions, yet it has been less successful at theorizing their origins. In Fixing Democracy, Javier Corrales develops a theory of institutional origins that concentrates on constitutions and levels of power within them. He reviews numerous Latin American constituent assemblies and constitutional amendments to explore why some democracies expand rather than restrict presidential powers and why this heightened presidentialism discourages democracy. His signal theoretical contribution is his elaboration on power asymmetries. Corrales determines that conditions of reduced power asymmetry make constituent assemblies more likely to curtail presidential powers, while weaker opposition and heightened power asymmetry is an indicator that presidential powers will expand. The bargain-based theory that he uses focuses on power distribution and provides a more accurate variable in predicting actual constitutional outcomes than other approaches based on functionalism or ideology. While the empirical focus is Latin America, Fixing Democracy contributes a broadly applicable theory to the scholarship both institutions and democracy.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/984e1e4a/fixing-democracy-javier-corrales-9780190868895.jpg|9780190868895|Fixing Democracy : Hardback : Oxford University Press Inc : 9780190868895 : 12 Jul 2018 : In a comprehensive reviews of constitutional change in Latin America, Fixing Democracy argues that the strongest predictor of whether a new constitution will exp …|new|1|1|999|79|0|GBP|Javier Corrales|Oxford University Press Inc|12 Jul 2018|Comparative politics 9780190868772|From Maimonides to Microsoft|24.49|https://wordery.com/from-maimonides-to-microsoft-neil-weinstock-netanel-9780190868772|Jewish copyright law is a rich body of jurisprudence that developed in parallel with modern copyright laws and the book privileges that preceded them. Jewish copyright law owes its origins to a reprinting ban that the Rome rabbinic court issued for three books of Hebrew grammar in 1518. It continues to be applied today, notably in a rabbinic ruling outlawing pirated software, issued at Microsoft’s request. In From Maimonides to Microsoft, Professor Netanel traces the historical development of Jewish copyright law by comparing rabbinic reprinting bans with secular and papal book privileges and by relaying the stories of dramatic disputes among publishers of books of Jewish learning and liturgy. He describes each dispute in its historical context and examines the rabbinic rulings that sought to resolve it. Remarkably, the rabbinic reprinting bans and copyright rulings address some of the same issues that animate copyright jurisprudence today: Is copyright a property right or just a right to receive fair compensation? How long should copyrights last? What purposes does copyright serve? While Jewish copyright law has borrowed from its secular law counterpart at key junctures, it fashions strikingly different answers to those key questions. The story of Jewish copyright law also intertwines with the history of the Jewish book trade and with steadfast efforts of rabbinic leaders to maintain their authority to regulate that trade in the face of the dramatic erosion of Jewish communal autonomy in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This book will thus be of considerable interest to students of Jewish law and history, as well as copyright scholars and practitioners.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/15723eb4/from-maimonides-to-microsoft-neil-weinstock-netanel-9780190868772.jpg|9780190868772|From Maimonides to Microsoft : Paperback : Oxford University Press Inc : 9780190868772 : 01 Feb 2018 : Jewish copyright law is a rich body of jurisprudence that developed in parallel with modern copyright laws and the book privileges that preceded the …|new|1|1|999|29.49|0|GBP|Neil Weinstock Netanel|Oxford University Press Inc|01 Feb 2018|Intellectual property law 9780190868932|Mafia Life|16.99|https://wordery.com/mafia-life-federico-varese-9780190868932|We see mafias as vast, powerful organizations, harvesting billions of dollars across the globe and wrapping their tentacles around everything from governance to finance. But is this the truth? Traveling from mafia initiation ceremonies in far-flung Russian cities to elite gambling clubs in downtown Macau, Federico Varese sets off in search of answers. Using wiretapped conversations, interviews, and previously unpublished police records, he builds up a picture of the real men and women caught up in mafia life, showing their loves and fears, ambitions and disappointments, as well as their crimes. Mafia Life takes us into the real world of organized crime, where henchmen worry about bad managers and have high blood pressure, assassinations are bungled as often as they come off, and increasing pressure from law enforcement means that a life of crime is no longer lived in the lap of luxury. As our world changes, so must mafias. Globalization, migration, and technology are disrupting their traditions and threatening their revenue streams, and the Mafiosi must evolve or die. Mafia Life is an intense and totally compelling look at these organizations and the daily life of their members, as they get to grips with the modern world.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/40517ed6/mafia-life-federico-varese-9780190868932.jpg|9780190868932|Mafia Life : Paperback : Oxford University Press, USA : 9780190868932 : 04 Apr 2018 : We see mafias as vast, powerful organizations, harvesting billions of dollars across the globe and wrapping their tentacles around everything from governance to fina …|new|1|1|235|16.27|0|GBP|Federico Varese|Oxford University Press, USA|04 Apr 2018|Crime & criminology 9780190869021|Cato the Younger|24.49|https://wordery.com/cato-the-younger-fred-k-drogula-9780190869021|Marcus Porcius Cato (the Younger") is most famous for being Julius Caesar’s nemesis. His sustained antagonism was in large part responsible for pushing the Romans towards civil war. Yet Cato never wanted war even though he used the threat of violence against Caesar. This strategic gamble misfired as Caesar, instead of yielding, marched on Rome, hurling the Republic into a bloody civil war. Refusing to inhabit a world ruled by Caesar, Cato took his own life. Although the Roman historian Sallust identified Cato and Caesar as the two most outstanding men of their age, modern scholars have tended to dismiss Cato as a cantankerous conservative who, while colorful, was not a critical player in the events that overtook the Republic. This book, in providing a much-needed reliable biography of Cato, contradicts that assessment. In addition to being Caesar’s adversary, Cato is an important and fascinating historical figure in his own right, and his career-in particular, his idiosyncrasies-shed light on the changing political culture of the late Republic. Cato famously reached into Rome’s hallowed past and found mannerisms and habits to adopt that transformed him into the foremost champion of ancestral custom. Thus Cato did things that seemed strange and even bizarre such as wearing an old-fashioned tint of purple on his senatorial toga, refusing to ride a horse when on public business, and going about barefoot and without the usual tunic as an undergarment. His extreme conservatism-which became celebrated in later ages, especially in Enlightenment Europe and revolutionary America–was actually designed to give him a unique advantage in Roman politics. This is not to claim that he was insincere in his combative promotion of the mos maiorum (the way of the ancestors), but his political manipulation of the Romans’ reverence for their traditions was masterful. By providing a new, detailed portrait of Cato, the book also presents a unique narrative of the age he helped shape …