New Mobilities

New Mobilities
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New transportation technologies can expand our world. During the last century, motorized modes increased our mobility by an order of magnitude, providing large benefits, but also imposing huge costs on individuals and communities. Faster and more expensive modes were favored over those that are more affordable, efficient, and healthy. As new transportation innovations become available, from e-scooters to autonomous cars, how do we make decisions that benefit our communities? In New Mobilities: Smart Planning for Emerging Transportation Technologies, transportation expert Todd Litman examines 12 emerging transportation modes and services that are likely to significantly affect our lives: bike- and carsharing, micro-mobilities, ridehailing and micro-transit, public transit innovations, telework, autonomous and electric vehicles, air taxis, mobility prioritization, and logistics management. These innovations allow people to scoot, ride, and fly like never before, but can also impose significant costs on users and communities. Planners need detailed information on their potential benefits and impacts to make informed choices.|Books||9781642831450|New Mobilities : Paperback : Island Press : 9781642831450 : 31 Aug 2021 : A renowned transportation researcher assesses emerging transportation options, offering much-needed advice to planners implementing these new technologies.|new|1|1|5|26|0|GBP|Todd Litman|Island Press|31 Aug 2021|Transport planning & policy 9781642792775|The Millennial Whisperer|11.24||Written by a leader for leaders, The Millennial Whisperer shares proven, profit-driven strategies for leading millennials in the workforce.The Millennial generation is the largest, most diverse generation in the history of the United States. They will make up 75 percent of the workforce by 2030. Unfortunately, Millennials made a poor first impression in the business world, developing the reputation of being lazy, entitled, selfish, and disloyal. The truth is, Millennials are no lazier or more entitled, selfish, or disloyal than any previous generation; they just grew up with different experiences than older generations and are motivated by different things.In The Millennial Whisperer, Chris Tuff puts into context the ways Millennials differ from previous generations and shares practical steps companies and leaders can take to immediately boost productivity without building an office full of ping pong tables, beer kegs, and participation trophies. Chris provides practical ways for leaders to build a corporate culture in which Millennials can thrive, establish effective rewards systems at lower cost, address disciplinary methods effectively, and more! Get ready to turn your conference room back into a conference room, bring the beer kegs home for your next birthday bash, and put the participation trophies in the trash where they belong.|Books||9781642792775|The Millennial Whisperer : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642792775 : 12 Mar 2019 : A practical and humorous playbook for attracting, retaining, and motivating millennials who work both smart and hard.|new|1|1|1|12.99|0|GBP|Chris Tuff|Morgan James Publishing llc|12 Mar 2019|Personnel & human resources management 9781642793574|The Coach Model for Christian Leaders|11.24||Do you have the leadership skills you need to solve problems, reach goals, and develop others?The COACH Model® is a radically different approach to leading people. Rather than provide answers, leaders ask questions to draw out what God has already put into others. ICF Professional Certified Coach and speaker Keith Webb teaches Christian leaders how to create powerful conversations to assist others to solve their own problems, reach goals, and develop their own leadership skills in the process. Whether leaders are working with employees, teenagers, or a colleague living in another city, they’ll find powerful tools and techniques to increase leadership effectiveness. Based on first-hand experience and taught around the world, The COACH Model for Christian Leaders is packed with stories and illustrations that bring the principles and practice to life and transform leaders’ conversations into powerful results.|Books||9781642793574|The Coach Model for Christian Leaders : Paperback : Morgan James Faith : 9781642793574 : 08 Oct 2019 : A how-to on coaching for Christian leaders.|new|1|1|5|12.99|0|GBP|Keith E. Webb|Morgan James Publishing llc|08 Oct 2019|Christian ministry & pastoral activity 9781642793185|Time Management Magic|11.99||Time Management Magic is all about learning a system and a way of thinking that enhances the ability to lead a highly productive, balanced, and effective life. Too many people get discouraged and want to quit because they have setbacks and other obstacles in their life. Retired Exec VP of Walt Disney World, Lee Cockerell’s advice to everyone is, ?Don’t underestimate what you can achieve.? Lee believes that having a well-organized system for planning and executing one’s goals and dreams is vital. He credits his success to having a strong time management system in place to ensure he would do what he said he would do and keep his promises. The time-management secrets Lee has developed have become one of his most requested corporate training lectures and are now available in his tell-all guide, Time Management Magic. The system he presents is not just about time management, it is about life management. The executive time management secrets contained in Time Management Magic help readers keep all parts of their lives under control and jump-start their personal and professional growth.|Books||9781642793185|Time Management Magic : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642793185 : 10 Sep 2019 : An exploration of how it’s never too late to get organized.|new|1|1|1|11.99|0|GBP|Lee Cockerell|Morgan James Publishing llc|10 Sep 2019|Time management 9781642793840|Born to Shine|9.99||This powerful memoir and inspirational guide shares a story of loss, resilience, and life-changing lessons found in the darkest seasons of life. When Ashley LeMieux and her husband lost their children in an adoption battle, it sent her into a tailspin that, ultimately, taught Ashley how to soar. Most people live with constant fears, burdens, and pains that they try to hide from themselves or others. In Born to Shine, Ashley shares a message of hope for women brave enough to admit that everything is not okay. Because the truth is that even when life is in ruins, people can still shine. LeMieux tells her story in alternating chapters, interspersed with lessons readers can apply in their own lives. It combines personal reflections and practical tools to help women shine despite the darkness, to press forward one day at a time, and to turn their most painful moments into their greatest teachers and signposts to true, deep, unassailable joy.|Books||9781642793840|Born to Shine : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642793840 : 08 Oct 2019 : An anthem of resilience and optimism for women searching for a shot of courage when they feel depleted.|new|1|1|10|10.99|0|GBP|Ashley LeMieux|Morgan James Publishing llc|08 Oct 2019|Assertiveness, motivation & self-esteem 9781642830088|Plastic Soup|15.99||Plastics have transformed every aspect of our lives. Yet the very properties that make them attractive?they are cheap to make, light, and durable?spell disaster when trash makes its way into the environment. Plastic Soup: An Atlas of Ocean Pollution is a beautifully-illustrated survey of the plastics clogging our seas, their impacts on wildlife and people around the world, and inspirational initiatives designed to tackle the problem. In Plastic Soup, Michiel Roscam Abbing of the Plastic Soup Foundation reveals the scope of the issue: plastic trash now lurks on every corner of the planet. With striking photography and graphics, Plastic Soup brings this challenge to brilliant life for readers. Yet it also sends a message of hope; although the scale of the problem is massive, so is the dedication of activists working to check it. Plastic Soup highlights a diverse array of projects to curb plastic waste and raise awareness, from plastic-free grocery stores to innovative laws and art installations. According to some estimates, if we continue on our current path, the oceans will contain more plastic than fish by the year 2050. Created to inform and inspire readers, Plastic Soup is a critical tool in the fight to reverse this trend.|Books||9781642830088|Plastic Soup : Hardback : Island Press : 9781642830088 : 01 Apr 2019 : A visually stunning book with information about plastic pollution and a message of hope about cleaning the oceans.|new|1|1|9|20|0|GBP|Michiel Roscam Abbing|Island Press|01 Apr 2019|Pollution & threats to the environment 9781642794328|The Boy Who Stood Up Tall|7.99||When an oncoming thunderstorm frightens a little boy playing with his teddy bear, the bear explains the concepts of fear, bravery, and courage, and helps the boy overcome his fear.|Books||9781642794328|The Boy Who Stood Up Tall : Paperback : Morgan James Kids : 9781642794328 : 03 Dec 2019 : A powerful story that teaches children the psychology-based principles to overcoming their fears.|new|1|1|10|7.99|0|GBP|Sarah Boyd|Morgan James Publishing llc|03 Dec 2019|General fiction (Children’s / Teenage) 9781642793963|Sleep Wrecked Kids|10.00||Kids often suffer unknowingly from the consequences of sleep problems because their issue is frequently missed or dismissed, by both health professionals and parents.Sleep disorders are a major public health issue that can kick start a lifetime pattern of health, behaviour, and learning problems. From ages 4-10, at least 25 percent of kids have sleep problems. Sleep Wrecked Kids guides parents towards good sleep as the norm, allowing themselves and their children to grow and thrive. Speech pathologist and myofunctional practitioner Sharon Moore teaches parents why ?bad sleep’ is connected to a myriad of health problems, what ?good sleep’ actually means, how to identify red flags for sleep problems, how to improve sleep quality by improving airway health, and so much more! Parents are empowered to not only get more sleep themselves, but also to help their children get the sleep they need?every night.|Books||9781642793963|Sleep Wrecked Kids : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642793963 : 05 Nov 2019 : Sleep-Wrecked Kids helps parents raise happy, healthy kids by fixing their sleep.|new|1|1|2|14.95|0|GBP|Sharon Moore|Morgan James Publishing llc|05 Nov 2019|Popular medicine & health 9781642860399|Woman Of The Ashes|11.39||At the turn of the nineteenth century, the Gaza province of Mozambique is drowning in a torrent of war. Imani, a fifteen-year-old girl, struggles with her cultural identity as she is torn between her VaChopi roots and the occupying Portuguese. Her life becomes further fractured as her family is broken apart amid the conflict. Germano, a sergeant wrestling with guilt and grandeur, attempts to subdue one of the last African kingdoms, but meanwhile falls in love with Imani and loses himself to an infectious madness. In this vivid and enchanting novel, Mia Couto masterfully interweaves history with folklore and has managed to create a work of rare originality and imagination.|Books||9781642860399|Woman Of The Ashes : Paperback : World Editions : 9781642860399 : 21 Feb 2019 : In this vivid and enchanting novel, Mia Couto masterfully interweaves history with folklore and has managed to create a work of rare originality and imagination.|new|1|1|381|11.99|0|GBP|Mia Couto|World Editions|21 Feb 2019|Fiction in translation 9781642794366|Click and Grow Rich|13.50||In Click and Grow Rich, readers discover the 9-step proven formula for creating a wildly successful online business.The unsettling truth is that 95 percent of all businesses fail within the first two years or keep the owner chained to it like a dead-end job. Click and Grow Rich helps readers create true personal freedom in their lives by learning Brett Fogle and E. Daniel Miller’s unique MP5MS2 formula that they used to generate millions in online sales. It also shares how anybody can implement this simple process to create a successful money-making online business. Click and Grow Rich is useful for readers in all walks of life, whether they just want to earn extra money, quit a job, or build an enormously profitable online business that can be sold later.Click and Grow Rich helps people worldwide take control of their financial future by sharing these simple success principles and giving them a ?playbook’ for success on how to achieve financial freedom in their lives. Much more than a book of ?strategies,’ this is a rallying cry to join the #FREEDOMFIGHTER movement, achieve true time and money freedom, and live life on one’s own terms.|Books||9781642794366|Click and Grow Rich : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642794366 : 10 Dec 2019 : The simple proven formula for starting and growing a business online.|new|1|1|1|14.99|0|GBP|Brett Fogle|Morgan James Publishing llc|10 Dec 2019|E-commerce: business aspects 9781642794168|Becoming Us|12.99||He doesn’t listen to me?I don’t understand her?Why do we repeat the same fight??Becoming Us helps you understand your spouse via the lens of faith and the Enneagram.? Ian Morgan Cron, Enneagram expert and author of The Road Back to YouDo you ever feel baffled by the person sleeping beside you? What if your spouse came with an instruction manual? Beth and Jeff McCord, founders of Your Enneagram Coach, have helped over 250,000 people discover their unique personality type and apply that knowledge to their relationships.Becoming Us pulls back the curtain on marriage and weaves the Enneagram through the lense of the Gospel to reveal why you and your spouse behave in different ways. Beth and Jeff will explain how you can: Answer the question, ?What is my spouse thinking??Defuse conflict before it starts, especially the same old argumentsStop assuming each other’s motives and make communication workAffirm each other in meaningful ways that matterEnjoy your spouse all over again, even if you’ve loved each other for yearsWhether you are preparing for marriage or celebrating a 50th anniversary, Becoming Us will revolutionize the way you view yourself and your spouse. Let Beth and Jeff guide you through the Enneagram and transform your marriage into the powerful relationship that God intended.Yes, you really will understand your spouse better after you read this book.|Books||9781642794168|Becoming Us : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642794168 : 01 Oct 2019 : An effective tool to help couples finally understand why they do what they do, break unhelpful patterns, and truly enjoy each other and their marriage.|new|1|1|25|17.99|0|GBP|Beth McCord|Morgan James Publishing llc|01 Oct 2019|Christian aspects of sexuality, gender & relat … 9781642830187|Soft City|25.35||Imagine waking up to the gentle noises of the city, and moving through your day with complete confidence that you will get where you need to go quickly and efficiently. Soft City is about ease and comfort, where density has a human dimension, adapting to our ever-changing needs, nurturing relationships, and accommodating the pleasures of everyday life. How do we move from the current reality in most cites’separated uses and lengthy commutes in single-occupancy vehicles that drain human, environmental, and community resources’to support a soft city approach? In Soft City David Sim, partner and creative director at Gehl, shows how this is possible, presenting ideas and graphic examples from around the globe. He draws from his vast design experience to make a case for a dense and diverse built environment at a human scale, which he presents through a series of observations of older and newer places, and a range of simple built phenomena, some traditional and some totally new inventions. Sim shows that increasing density is not enough. The soft city must consider the organization and layout of the built environment for more fluid movement and comfort, a diversity of building types, and thoughtful design to ensure a sustainable urban environment and society. Soft City begins with the big ideas of happiness and quality of life, and then shows how they are tied to the way we live. The heart of the book is highly visual and shows the building blocks for neighborhoods: building types and their organization and orientation; how we can get along as we get around a city; and living with the weather. As every citizen deals with the reality of a changing climate, Soft City explores how the built environment can adapt and respond. Soft City offers inspiration, ideas, and guidance for anyone interested in city building. Sim shows how to make any city more efficient, more livable, and better connected to the environment. |Books||9781642830187|Soft City : Paperback : Island Press : 9781642830187 : 30 Oct 2019 : A visual and clear guide to building better density to create happier, more livable cities. With foreword by Jan Gehl.|new|1|1|1|26|0|GBP|David Sim|Island Press|30 Oct 2019|Environmentally-friendly architecture & design 9781642795721|Always With Me|7.26||Always With Me guides those who have lost a loved one how to discover happiness once again.Losing a loved one to death, especially after a long-term relationship, can be exceedingly painful. The intense emotions can feel overwhelming and even paralyzing at times. The joy one once felt seems to be gone and impossible to recover. The days are dark, and the nights are even darker. Always With Me works to show those who have lost a loved one that there is a light shining at the end of pain.In Always with Me, Michelle A. Smith, yoga therapist and energy worker, shows those who have lost a loved one how to journey back to happiness and connection once again. Using her years of training and experience in the field of integrative medicine, Michelle shows readers how to:Use the various tools of integrative medicine to know that they are not aloneUse physical postures, breath work, and meditation practices to find happiness after lossEmbrace the power of Reiki or physical touch to feel more connected to everyoneImmerse themselves in the healing sounds and vibrations of the Tibetan singing bowls to shift into a new space of happiness and peaceFind peace within what is going on around them|Books||9781642795721|Always With Me : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642795721 : 03 Mar 2020 : Always With Me shows readers that even after the intense pain of the death of a loved one, they can be happy again.|new|1|1|1|7.99|0|GBP|Michelle A. Smith|Morgan James Publishing llc|03 Mar 2020|Coping with death & bereavement 9781642794267|New Lenses|11.24||For those parents with adult children living at home and showing no signs of wanting to leave the nest, New Lenses provides much-needed, fresh perspective.It is not uncommon in today’s society to see adult children living in their parents’ home far beyond graduation. Many of these adult children are unemployed and unwilling to become independent and to move forward with their futures. Many parents struggle to find the right solution to help their children leave the nest. For these parents, it is time to get a new prescription and look at the situation from a completely new set of lenses. In New Lenses, Pam Reid shows readers how to help their adult child take steps towards being financially self-sufficient, recognize and take advantage of door-opening opportunities, and so much more. For those who wish to impact change and make a significant difference in the lives of others including their own, New Lenses is the ideal resource to help kickstart the transformation to becoming the person who will create a positive ripple of change.|Books||9781642794267|New Lenses : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642794267 : 19 Nov 2019 : Reveals a different way for parents to see and respond to the challenging dynamic of an adult child unwilling to do what’s needed to move in a positive direction-out …|new|1|1|12|12.99|0|GBP|Pam Reid|Morgan James Publishing llc|19 Nov 2019|Advice on parenting 9781642791983|Ask the Foot Doctor|12.20||Ask the Foot Doctor provides a personal and comprehensive guide to pain-free, happy, healthy feet to last a lifetime. Everyone has a foot problem or a question about their feet. Ask the Foot Doctor answers 210 of the most commonly asked questions with suggestions and solutions for just about every foot problem imaginable, from getting rid of a pesky plantar wart to avoiding complications from diabetes. With a question-and-answer format, easy-to-understand explanations, real-life patient stories, and a sense of humor, Dr. Doug Tumen, a podiatrist, gives readers vital information to help identify causes and treatments of foot problems. He does this while covering everything readers ever wanted to know about their feet but were afraid to ask.|Books||9781642791983|Ask the Foot Doctor : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642791983 : 04 Jun 2019 : A collection of frequently-asked questions and answers about foot care.|new|1|1|16|12.99|0|GBP|Dr. Doug Tumen|Morgan James Publishing llc|04 Jun 2019|Popular medicine & health 9781642797985|If I’m So Zen, Why is My Hair Falling Out?|8.74||If I’m So Zen, Why is My Hair Falling Out? helps those struggling with hair loss take back their confidence and regrow their hair for good by guiding them through the healing and regrowth process.After spending a year meeting with doctors, naturopaths, dermatologists, and trying every fad hair growth product on the market only to have another patch of hair fall out, Amanda Lera knew there had to be another way. The tools Amanda implements in If I’m So Zen, Why is My Hair Falling Out? teaches those struggling with hair loss how to:Regrow their hair fast without expensive, smelly treatments, or harmful medicationsIdentify the true cause of their hair lossPrevent hair loss from happening againGrow fuller, longer, and healthier hair than beforeRelieve anxiety and rebuild their confidenceBreak up with WebMD for good|Books||9781642797985|If I’m So Zen, Why is My Hair Falling Out? : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642797985 : 07 Jul 2020 : If I’m So Zen, Why is My Hair Falling Out? helps those struggling with hair loss take back their confidence and regrow their hair for …|new|1|1|3|9.99|0|GBP|Amanda Lera|Morgan James Publishing llc|07 Jul 2020|Philosophy of mind 9781642795868|Apollo Confidential|12.20||Between 1969 and 1972, twelve people walked on the surface of the Moon. Twelve others flew over its barren and majestic surface. They were the sons of workers, farmers, soldiers and businessmen. They thought anything was possible?and they proved this to the entire world.For 20 years, Lukas Viglietti, an airline pilot and captain, has been fascinated by the conquest of the astronauts who went to space during his childhood. He has recorded their testimonies and since becoming their friend and confidant, he now offers an exclusive and unprecedented insight into their adventures.In APOLLO CONFIDENTIAL, adults and children alike experience the all-inspiring accounts of: steely-eyed test pilotssensitive painters and poetshard-living bad boys thoughtful, studious scientists The only thing they had in common was they all saw the view of the beautiful home planet from a quarter of a million miles away, an oasis of life compared to the stark and lifeless, alien moon. In APOLLO CONFIDENTIAL, Lukas Viglietti recounts what people from the history books?people such as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin?were like in person.|Books||9781642795868|Apollo Confidential : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642795868 : 02 Jul 2019 : An extraordinary insight into the journey from the Earth to the Moon inspired by the extraordinary personal stories of the astronauts.|new|1|1|2|12.99|0|GBP|Lukas Viglietti|Morgan James Publishing llc|02 Jul 2019|Popular astronomy & space books 9781642793116|The Secret Lies Within|10.58||The Secret Lies Within in an inside-out look at the trauma and pain so many people experience in this lifetime and how breaking the silence is the first step to freedom.Many people experience trauma or pain and keep it to themselves, letting it become a secret that holds them captive. They live with pain, blame, and shame, unsure of what to do or how to break free. The secrets grow, causing people to become increasingly silent while they hope and pray for better days, struggling to believe they will ever come.The Secret Lies Within is an honest, vulnerable, and courageous narrative about nearly losing everything, breaking the silence of secrets, and finding purpose in pain. Auntie Anne Beiler, founder of the international franchise Auntie Anne’s pretzels, shares her journey through the loss of a child, sexual abuse, and the resulting trauma that haunted her for years, reminding readers they are not alone in their pain. Anne weaves brief stories of other brave individuals throughout her own and presents a picture of hope for those who have experienced trauma. Those with deep secrets of their own are encouraged to break their silence and are shown the power to overcome through confession and reach a whole new level of freedom.|Books||9781642793116|The Secret Lies Within : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642793116 : 10 Sep 2019 : A raw and vulnerable look at pain and trauma by the founder of international corporation Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, Auntie Anne Beiler.|new|1|1|21|11.99|0|GBP|Anne Beiler|Morgan James Publishing llc|10 Sep 2019|Christian life & practice 9781642798562|Am I the Reason I’m Not Getting Pregnant?|11.24||Am I the Reason I’m Not Getting Pregnant? gets women struggling with infertility ready to unleash unshakable confidence and certainty on the road to motherhood.Am I the Reason I’m Not Getting Pregnant? reveals the secret to trading that fear for the unwavering confidence and certainty that women are truly doing everything they can. Rosanne Austin is the coach women around the world turn to when they want success on their fertility journey. In Am I the Reason I’m Not Getting Pregnant? Rosanne shares:The genius hack for getting back on the road to fertility success, regardless of age, past ?failures,? and scary statisticsThe secret to making fertility decisions like an expert, so women improve their chances of getting pregnant immediately and don’t waste time or resourcesHow to create the perfect Bump Squad, so women can finally get the support they really want ? even from people they think won’t ?get? itWhat it takes to crush fear, doubt, negativity, and spinning in ?what-ifs?, so women don’t wreck their results or set themselves up for soul-searing regretDaily practices that empower women to never have to utter the words, ?What should I do,? ever again|Books||9781642798562|Am I the Reason I’m Not Getting Pregnant? : Paperback : Morgan James Publishing llc : 9781642798562 : 11 Aug 2020 : Am I the Reason I’m Not Getting Pregnant? gets women struggling with infertility ready to unleash unshakable confidence and certainty o …|new|1|1|19|12.99|0|GBP|Rosanne Austin|Morgan James Publishing llc|11 Aug 2020|Pregnancy, birth & baby care 9781642796032|The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur|11.24||In The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur, a 31-day prayer journey, Christian business coach Kim Avery helps entrepreneurs ditch the hurry and worry and instead build a business powered by God. While Christian entrepreneurs start their days with prayer, the hustle and bustle of running their own businesses quickly takes focus away from their vital partnership with the almighty God. As a result, prayers for business are often broad, unfocused, and strictly tied to the entrepreneur’s vision of ideal results. The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur model walks entrepreneurs through 31 days of recognizing God as CEO through an inside-out system of praying for transformation: In themselvesTheir relationship with GodTheir relationship with othersTheir relationship with their businessCulminating in praying for the impact they want their business to have in the world. Kim Avery encourages entrepreneurs to keep God at the center of everything, praying in alignment with the things He has already promised, and anticipating His daily activity in their lives. During this month-long journey, business owners learn how to build a better business, live a better life, and make a bigger impact ?all through the simple practice of inside-out prayer.|Books||9781642796032|The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur : Paperback : Morgan James Faith : 9781642796032 : 18 Feb 2020 : A proven 31-day prayer challenge for Christian entrepreneurs to more powerfully partner with God in their businesses and their lives.|new|1|1|3|12.99|0|GBP|Kim Avery|Morgan James Publishing llc|18 Feb 2020|Advice on careers & achieving success 9781642831948|A Road Running Southward|21.99||In 1867, John Muir set out on foot to explore the botanical wonders of the South, keeping a detailed journal of his adventures as he traipsed from Kentucky southward to Florida. One hundred and fifty years later, on a similar whim, veteran Atlanta reporter Dan Chapman, distressed by sprawl-driven environmental ills in a region he loves, recreated Muir’s journey to see for himself how nature has fared since Muir’s time. Channeling Muir, he uses humor, keen observation, and a deep love of place to celebrate the South’s natural riches. But he laments that a treasured way of life for generations of Southerners is endangered as long-simmering struggles intensify over misused and dwindling resources. Chapman seeks to discover how Southerners might balance surging population growth with protecting the natural beauty Muir found so special"–