Momentum, Direction, and Divergence Latest Momentum Indicators for Technical Analysis

Momentum, Direction, and Divergence Latest Momentum Indicators for Technical Analysis
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A guide to the latest, most promising technical indicators andtheir applications Momentum, direction, and divergence are the three basic componentsof nearly all technical indicators used in the analysis of stockand commodities trading. And for those who understand them andtheir applications, they are also the pillars of a high-performancetrading strategy. In this groundbreaking book, technical wizardWilliam Blau schools financial professionals in all three.Combining the latest financial information with dozens ofeye-opening graphics, Blau clearly, concisely, and with a minimumof complex mathematics: * Introduces the principle of double smoothing and develops potentnew indicators based on double smoothing techniques * Describes the uses and limitations of a variety of notabletechnical indicators * Explains momentum, direction, and divergence and new ways toapply them * Presents the True Strength Index and shows how it candramatically improve most directional indicators * Provides new ways of identifying divergence that makeimplementation far simpler than ever before MOMENTUM, DIRECTION, AND DIVERGENCE The Wiley Trader’s Advantage is a series of concise, highly focusedbooks designed to keep savvy traders in tune with the latestsuccessful strategies and techniques used by the keenest minds inthe business. In this latest volume, technical expert Bill Blau shows you howmomentum, direction, and divergence form the basis of mosttechnical indicators and how they can work for you to provide aconsiderable competitive advantage. Clearly, concisely, and with aminimum of complex mathematics, Blau shows you how to understandand apply them. Integrating the latest financial insights with morethan 75 easy-to-follow graphics, Blau describes the uses andlimitations of many of today’s most notable technical indicators.He then demonstrates a variety of ways in which the principles ofmomentum, direction, and divergence can be used to create aversatile new set of technical indicat …