Mom Boss

Mom Boss
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“Nicole Feliciano is all things #Boss. Most importantly, she is an inspiration to all moms looking to reinvent their careers.” -Sarah Michelle Gellar, actress, CCO and mom Learn how to be a super mom and a great business woman in a step-by-step guide to developing, incubating, and marketing your business without taking the joy out of family life with kids-being an active parent while succeeding as a woman business entrepreneur. Where Sophia Amoruso’s #GirlBoss left off for young millennials breaking into the business world, Mom Boss picks up and continues the mission for all the entrepreneurial moms out there. Mom Boss proves that being successful isn’t about degrees or sacrifices, it’s about balance and power. It’s where instinct meets intelligence. Every mom has it in her to be a badass business woman. Nicole Feliciano-the founder and CEO of Momtrends Media, which provides busy women with a daily dose of style-charts the course for building a successful career without sacrificing being a great mom. Mom Boss includes: Tips on how to develop, incubate, and market your business without taking the joy out of family life Valuable self-assessment exercises Step-by-step advice, inspiration, and tried and true business and personal tips Insights into how to be a successful and happy businesswoman and mom “If you have that feeling that maybe there is a Mom Boss in you but you’re just not sure where to start, then this is a must read . . . this is a great first step to turn your dreams into reality.” -Rosie Pope, CEO, designer, mom