Military Engagement

Military Engagement
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The response of an autocratic nation’s armed forces is crucial to the outcome of democratization movements throughout the world. But how can military officers and defense officials in democratic nations persuade their counterparts in autocratic regimes to favor democratic transitions? Here, Admiral Dennis Blair confronts this hard-edged challenge with a primer on the factors that affect military behavior during democratic transitions. Military Engagement makes the strong case for why the armed forces of any country should favor democracy and why, contrary to conventional wisdom, many military leaders have supported democratic transitions in different regions of the world. Further, it explains why military support, active or tacit, is essential to the success of any demo cratic transition. Blair provides incisive commentary on civil-military relations and outlines the foundational elements of armed forces in a democratic country. He presents sound advice to defense officials and military leaders in established democracies that can be put into practice when interacting with colleagues in both autocratic regimes and those that have made the break with dictatorship. This succinct handbook analyzes democratic transitions in five major regions and surveys the internal power dynamics in countries such as Iran and North Korea, dictatorships that are hostile toward and fearful of democratic influences. Blair juxtaposes the roles, values, and objectives of military leaders in autocratic nations with those in democracies. In turn, Military Engagement highlights how crossnetworking with international military delegations can put external pressure on autocratic countries and persuade them that democracies are best not only for the country itself, but also for the armed forces. Volume one of this two-volume project provides the educational foundation necessary so that military officers from established democracies can raise their game in achieving effective dialogue on de …|Books||9780815725053|Military Engagement : Paperback : Brookings Institution : 9780815725053 : 27 Mar 2013 : The response of an autocratic nation’s armed forces is crucial to the outcome of democratization movements throughout the world. But what exact internal conditions …|new|1|1|27|21.95|0|GBP|Dennis C. Blair|Brookings Institution|27 Mar 2013|Defence strategy, planning & research 9780815715573|Making Laws and Making News|23.99||The news media, especially television, have become a fixture on Capitol Hill in the past twenty years. Making Laws and Making News describes the interactive relationship between the press and Congress that strongly affects the news, the legislative process, and the types of laws enacted. Instead of focusing on how reporters decide who and what to cover and how news is resented, Cook examines the other side of the equation-the relationship between the media strategies of House member’s press offices and the legislative strategies of the members themselves. The book won the 1990 Benjamin Franklin Award for Excellence in Independent Publishing.|Books||9780815715573|Making Laws and Making News : Paperback : Brookings Institution : 9780815715573 : 01 Aug 1990 : The news media, especially television, have become a fixture on Capitol Hill in the past twenty years. Making Laws and Making News describes the interactiv …|new|1|1|999|21.95|0|GBP|Timothy Cook|Brookings Institution|01 Aug 1990|Central government 9780815636144|Palestinian Women’s Activism|31.17||The political and public life of Palestinian women has been influenced by a number of factors, most importantly successive waves of occupation of Palestine by various forms of colonization; the evolution and growth of the Palestinian national resistance movement; development of the national movement (later the Palestinian Authority); and the evolution and growth of the feminist movement. This book analyses the structural and ideological transformations of the contemporary Palestinian women’s movements inthe aftermath of the signing of the Oslo Agreement in 1993 between Israel and the PLO. Based on in-depth interviews with male and female activists and members of different organisations, I provide an analytical overview of the evolution and current configuration of the contemporary women’s movements. A detailed analysis of the discourses and structures of the mass-based organisation (PFWAC), the women’s NGO (WCLAC) and the women’s division of Hamas (studied for the first time) is presented.|Books||9780815636144|Palestinian Women’s Activism : Paperback : Syracuse University Press : 9780815636144 : 01 Dec 2018 : Traces the transformation of the Palestinian women’s movement from the 1930s to the post-Oslo period and through the Second Intifada to examine the of …|new|1|1|149|27.95|0|GBP|Islah Jad|Syracuse University Press|01 Dec 2018|Gender studies: women 9780815635581|Arab Family Studies|60.99||This review of the literature on Arab families captures the major theories, methods, and case studies carried out on Arab families over the past half to one century. The book offers a country by country critical assessment of the scholarship on Arab families.|Books||9780815635581|Arab Family Studies : Paperback : Syracuse University Press : 9780815635581 : 10 Jul 2018 : Offers a country-by-country critical assessment of the available scholarship on Arab families. Sixteen chapters focus on specific countries or groups of countr …|new|1|1|1|66|0|GBP|Suad Joseph|Syracuse University Press|10 Jul 2018|Sociology: family & relationships 9780815708612|Rethinking Democratic Accountability|27.55||Traditionally, American government has created detailed, formal procedures to ensure that its agencies and employees are accountable for finances and fairness. Now in the interest of improved performance, we are asking our front-line workers to be more responsive, we are urging our middle managers to be innovative, and we are exhorting our public executives to be entrepreneurial. Yet what is the theory of democratic accountability that empowers public employees to exercise such discretion while still ensuring that we remain a government of laws? How can government be responsive to the needs of individual citizens and still remain accountable to the entire polity? In Rethinking Democratic Accountability, Robert D. Behn examines the ambiguities, contradictions, and inadequacies in our current systems of accountability for finances, fairness, and performance. Weaving wry observations with political theory, Behn suggests a new model of accountability-with ““compacts of collective, mutual responsibility”"-to address new paradigms for public management. "