Leading Leaders

Leading Leaders
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Whether you were born a leader or have had leadership thrust upon you, you’re in for a whole new set of challenges when managing other leaders. Think of the qualities that have brought you to a leadership role: your vision, confidence, and charisma, or perhaps your experience, unique skills, expertise, or network of powerful allies. Now remind yourself that other leaders share some or all of these qualities with you. The leaders you are called upon to lead may be other executives, highly educated experts, investors, board members, government officials, doctors, lawyers, or other professionals. The potential contributions of these elites to any organization are vital, but the likelihood of friction is also high if you don’t manage relationships carefully. In any case, they are people with significant resources – and strong opinions. How do you leverage the assets of the talented and powerful while making sure that egos remain unbruised? Leading Leaders breaks the challenge down into the Seven Daily Tasks of Leadership, and shows you how to carry out each task when you have to manage other leaders. The seven tasks and the special challenges they entail in leading leaders are: 1. Direction How do you negotiate a vision for the organization that other leaders will buy into? 2. Integration How do you make stars a team? 3. Mediation How do you resolve conflicts over turf and power among other leaders so the organization can move forward? 4. Education How do you educate people who think they are already educated? 5. Motivation How do you move other leaders who already seem ?to have everything? to do the right thing for the organization? 6. Representation How do you lead your organization’s outside constituents while still leading leaders inside? 7. Trust Creation How do you gain and keep other leaders’ trust, the vital capital that your own leadership depends on? Drawing on the author’s own leadership experience as well as his research in the corporate, political, ac …|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/84e65047/leading-leaders-jeswald-salacuse-9780814417669.jpg|9780814417669|Leading Leaders : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814417669 : 24 Apr 2018 : Whether you were born a leader or have had leadership thrust upon you, you’re in for a whole new set of challenges when managing other leaders. Leading Leaders breaks the challenge …|new|1|1|999|18.99|0|GBP|Jeswald Salacuse|HarperCollins Focus|24 Apr 2018|Management: leadership & motivation 9780814417850|Persuasive Business Proposals|11.99|https://wordery.com/persuasive-business-proposals-tom-sant-9780814417850|Writing a winning proposal is vital to getting a ?yes’ on your next bid. That’s why Tom Sant, a proposal consultant for Global 500 companies and the creator of widely used proposal automation systems, has spent his career providing hands-on guidance for crafting powerful proposals and RFPs. In Persuasive Business Proposals, he shares the same insights with readers–teaching them what a good proposal is not and explaining the value of a proposal as an important and effective sales tool for driving business. You’ll learn how to attract prospects’ attention and speak to their needs; ask essential questions for qualifying opportunities; ?power up? cover letters and executive summaries; overcome ?value paranoia?; incorporate proof into a proposal; and write winning renewal contracts.Most people find proposal writing to be tedious and time-consuming–and their documents show it. But proposal wiring is about a lot more than ticking off boxes on a list of requirements.With clear instructions as well as before-and-after samples, the third edition of Persuasive Business Proposals takes readers step-by-step through a highly effective process for writing customized packages that capture new business.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/4975181e/persuasive-business-proposals-tom-sant-9780814417850.jpg|9780814417850|Persuasive Business Proposals : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814417850 : 13 Apr 2018 : Companies are still producing confusing, unpersuasive business proposals–few of which result in new clients or contracts. Learn how to craft a powerful proposal that i …|new|1|1|80|16.99|0|GBP|Tom Sant|HarperCollins Focus|13 Apr 2018|Business communication & presentation 9780814417997|The Job Search Solution|12.30|https://wordery.com/the-job-search-solution-tony-beshara-9780814417997|When Dr. Phil has sought to advise and help his viewers in their job searches, he’s called in Tony Beshara. One of the most successful placement professionals in the United States, Beshara knows what works–and what doesn’t. Now, in The Job Search Solution, Beshara applies a systemic approach to the process of finding a job–addressing the steps to take at every stage of the process and how to overcome the major challenges that confront candidates seeking employment today, including advice for readers who have been out of work for a while, were fired from their last job, are looking to change careers, or may be facing discrimination due to age. Featuring interactive exercises, real-life examples, practical dos and don’ts, and other essential tools, the completely updated second edition explains how to create a personal brand online, communicate with potential employers via email, and leverage personal stories throughout the interview process in order to get noticed and get hired. Both practical and empowering, The Job Search Solution gives readers the tools they need to land a dream job in one of the toughest job markets ever.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/7a024d9a/the-job-search-solution-tony-beshara-9780814417997.jpg|9780814417997|The Job Search Solution : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814417997 : 22 Mar 2018 : Tony Beshara has transformed job search woes into employment successes on network television. Discover his simple yet powerful system that has helped over one hundred thousan …|new|1|1|80|14.99|0|GBP|Tony Beshara|HarperCollins Focus|22 Mar 2018|Business & management books 9780814430293|Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success|10.99|https://wordery.com/emotional-intelligence-for-sales-success-colleen-stanley-9780814430293|Emotional intelligence plays a vital role at every stage of the sales process. It’s easy to get defensive when prospects challenge you on price or to quickly cave and offer discounts in response to pressure. Those are examples of the fight-or-flight response–something salespeople learn to avoid when they build their emotional intelligence. Sales trainer and expert Colleen Stanley cites studies that show how emotional intelligence (EI) is a strong indicator of sales success–and offers tips on how you can sharpen your skills and expand your emotional toolkit.Increasing your emotional intelligence is a sure way to overcome tough selling encounters. In Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success, you’ll learn how to increase impulse control for better questioning and listening, which EI skills are related to likability and trust, how empathy leads to bigger sales conversations and more effective solutions, how emotional intelligence can improve prospecting efforts, which EI skills are most common among top sales producers, and much more.Customers can get product information and price comparisons online. The true differentiator between you and a bot is your ability to deftly solve problems and build relationships. From business development to closing the deal, emotional intelligence will drive your performance–and your success.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/3080a4d5/emotional-intelligence-for-sales-success-colleen-stanley-9780814430293.jpg|9780814430293|Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814430293 : 20 Mar 2018 : Even seasoned salespeople buckle in high-pressure situations. Learn how to increase your emotional intelligence to improve your performance, maximize results …|new|1|1|80|15.99|0|GBP|Colleen Stanley|HarperCollins Focus|20 Mar 2018|Sales & marketing 9780814417751|2600 Phrases for Setting Effective Performance Goals|10.99|https://wordery.com/2600-phrases-for-setting-effective-performance-goals-paul-falcone-9780814417751|As a manager, you aren’t truly successful unless your employees are as well. Helping them establish compelling, actionable performance goals is the first and most important step, and this handbook is there to lend a hand. A follow-up to the bestselling 2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews, HR executive Paul Falcone provides you with ready-to-use performance goals organized by the characteristics and core competencies used most often in the appraisal process. From attendance and attitude to teamwork and time management, managers will find the language they need to inspire exceptional results. In 2600 Phrases for Setting Effective Performance Goals, Falcone shows you how to: Build on individuals’ strengths rather than compensating for their weaknesses.Help your employees feel engaged and self-motivated.Develop an ?accomplishment mentality? that encourages your staff to constantly reinvent themselves based on the organization’s needs.Encourage retention by developing realistic, customized goals that prepare them for their next career move.Determine appropriate follow-up intervals and measurable benchmarks to determine progress throughout the year.2600 Phrases for Setting Effective Performance Goals also shares language tailored to many of the most common positions in sales and marketing, accounting and finance, HR, IT, legal, manufacturing, operations, and more. If your employees don’t succeed, neither will you. This one-of-a-kind guide enables you to get more done through others and develop your own leadership abilities along the way.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/7bcafff3/2600-phrases-for-setting-effective-performance-goals-paul-falcone-9780814417751.jpg|9780814417751|2600 Phrases for Setting Effective Performance Goals : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814417751 : 23 Mar 2018 : The first step to helping your employees succeed? Establishing compelling, actionable performance goals. This quick-reference guide helps manager …|new|1|1|80|12.99|0|GBP|Paul Falcone|HarperCollins Focus|23 Mar 2018|Personnel & human resources management 9780814417812|Results Without Authority|11.99|https://wordery.com/results-without-authority-tom-kendrick-9780814417812|For project managers looking to establish credibility and drive winning results, author Tom Kendrick’s groundbreaking system provides the key to leading cross-functional, outsourced, and other types of teams through every stage of the project cycle. Results without Authority is the definitive book on control–teaching the three principal levels of control, including project process, influence, and metrics, among other important areas. Readers learn the surefire way to keep projects moving forward: by relying only on these factors. The book’s completely updated second edition includes new information on agile methods and evolving project management tools, strategies for working with virtual teams, analytical versus ?blink? decision processes, the use (and misuse) of social media in project environments, and the myth of multitasking. For project leaders lacking clear-cut authority, getting everyone on board–and keeping them there–can be a challenge. Whether you’re managing small, team-level projects or major organizational initiatives, Results without Authority is the must-have guide to getting the best outcomes for your company.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/5055dc9b/results-without-authority-tom-kendrick-9780814417812.jpg|9780814417812|Results Without Authority : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814417812 : 23 Mar 2018 : Leading a team of people who don’t report to you is a tricky endeavor–and an essential feature of a project manager’s role. Discover the start-to-finish system for getting …|new|1|1|80|16.99|0|GBP|Tom Kendrick|HarperCollins Focus|23 Mar 2018|Project management 9780814420171|Why Boys Fail: Saving Our Sons from an Educational System Thats Leaving Them Behind|14.99|https://wordery.com/why-boys-fail-saving-our-sons-from-an-educational-system-thats-leaving-them-behind-richard-whitmire-9780814420171|Selected as one of the Top 5 Educational Books by Literacy News The signs and statistics are undeniable: boys are falling behind in school. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the biggest culprits are not video games, pop culture, or female-dominated schools biased toward girls. The real problem is that boys have been thrust into a bewildering new school environment that demands high-level reading and writing skills long before they are capable of handling them. Lacking the ability to compete, boys fall farther and farther behind. Eventually, the problem gets pushed into college, where close to 60% of the graduates are women. In a time when even cops, construction foremen, and machine operators need post-high school degrees, that’s a problem. Why Boys Fail takes a hard look at how this ominous reality came to be, how it has worsened in recent years, and why attempts to resolve it often devolve into finger-pointing and polarizing politics. But the book also shares some good news. Amidst the alarming proof of failure among boys-around the world-there are also inspiring case studies of schools where something is going right. Each has come up with realistic ways to make sure that every student-male and female-has the tools to succeed in school and later in life. Educators and parents alike will take heart in these promising developments, and heed the book’s call to action-not only to demand solutions but also to help create them for their own students and children.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/e1526041/why-boys-fail-saving-our-sons-from-an-educational-system-thats-leaving-them-behind-richard-whitmire-9780814420171.jpg|9780814420171|Why Boys Fail: Saving Our Sons from an Educational System Thats Leaving Them Behind : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814420171 : 16 Oct 2011 : The signs and statistics are undeniable: boys are falling behind in school. This book takes a hard look at how thi …|new|1|1|77|12.99|0|GBP|Richard Whitmire|HarperCollins Focus|16 Oct 2011|Students & student organisations 9780814417553|Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service|10.99|https://wordery.com/delivering-knock-your-socks-off-service-performance-research-associates-9780814417553|In this trusted customer service classic, the renowned business training and consulting services practice Performance Research Associates, Inc. lays bare the truth all companies have come to accept but few know what to do with: companies that emphasize customer service make more money and keep customers longer than those that don’t. For over two decades, Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service has combined this timeless wisdom with powerful tools, real-world examples, and the latest methods to provide customer service professionals an indispensable guide. With lighthearted examples and to-the-point solutions, the book provides readers with proven tips and strategies for exceeding customer needs and expectations, determining the right times to bend or break the rules, becoming fantastic fixers and powerful problem-solvers, using the RATER factors to wow your customers, understanding cultural and generational differences, and coping effectively with your most challenging customers. Plus, the revised fifth edition delivers new information on using social media for communication and service recovery, owning service encounters, responding positively to negative feedback, and more.What is quality customer service–and how do you consistently deliver it for your customers? Discover the answers in this go-to guide for helping customer service professionals deliver outstanding service that keeps customers coming back.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/888da71d/delivering-knock-your-socks-off-service-performance-research-associates-9780814417553.jpg|9780814417553|Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service : Paperback : Amacom : 9780814417553 : 22 Mar 2018 : Businesses are struggling to win customer loyalty in an increasingly competitive and consumer-driven market. Learn how to stand out from the pack by deliverin …|new|1|1|80|15.99|0|GBP|Performance Research Associates|HarperCollins Focus|22 Mar 2018|Customer services 9780814420270|The Corporate University Handbook|18.00|https://wordery.com/the-corporate-university-handbook-mark-d-allen-9780814420270|Motorola. Sun Microsystems. Charles Schwab. Toyota. These global business leaders have bred excellence through innovative executive and management development organizations that go well beyond traditional job training. Known as corporate universities, these entities are essentially strategic partners of their sponsoring companies. Often working in conjunction with traditional educational institutions, they boast cream-of-the-crop faculty from the academic and business communities. Once the province of only the largest corporations, corporate universities are fast becoming the standard at smaller companies as well. This comprehensive handbook is a valuable resource for companies of all sizes who are considering (or already developing) enhanced professional learning programs. Featuring contributions from experts at ten different corporate universities, academic institutions, and consulting firms, the book addresses the three major components of corporate university success: organization, content, and processes. From structural and financial models to the role of technology, from curriculum development to evaluation approaches and measuring ROI, here is a wealth of information on this major development in professional education."