Gratitude Marketing

Gratitude Marketing
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RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL ISN’T AN ASSET; IT’S A PRIVILEGE.WHY THE biggest threat TO OUR BUSINESS INYEARS IS COMING?AND HOW YOU CANprepare your practice FOR IT NOWOnce in a while, a book comes along that defines the key issues in anindustry and offers appropriate strategies and ideas to solve thoseissues. This is that book.With the threat of robo-advisors growing every day, financial advisorsneed answers to two critical questions?fast.HOW DO I RETAIN MY CLIENTS?HOW DO I BUILD THAT IMPORTANT BRIDGE TO THE NEXTGENERATION?MY CLIENTS’ CHILDREN?GRATITUDE MARKETING? IS THE ANSWER.Traditional marketing speaks at people. Gratitude Marketing?engages and connects with people. Gratitude Marketing? taps intothe wisdom of proven professionals who have used these cuttingedge,real-life ideas to build their businesses. You’ll discover how awell-run Gratitude Marketing? system will put you in control of yourclients’ business consistently as change occurs and their need for yourservices arises or increases. When you combine relationship-buildingideas with consistent nurturing, you create clients for life. The ideas I’llshare with you have done one thing for me and the financial advisorswho have used them?they have consistently produced results.GROW YOUR PRACTICE THROUGH GRATITUDE.LET’S GET STARTED NOW!Visit