China into Africa

China into Africa
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Africa has long attracted China. We can date their first certain involvement from the fourteenth century, but East African city-states may have been trading with southern China even earlier. In the mid-twentieth century, Maoist China funded and educated sub-Saharan African anticolonial liberation movements and leaders, and the PRC then assisted new sub-Saharan nations. Africa and China are now immersed in their third and most transformative era of heavy engagement, one that promises to do more for economic growth and poverty alleviation than anything attempted by Western colonialism or international aid programs. Robert Rotberg and his Chinese, African, and other colleagues discuss this important trend and specify its likely implications. Among the specific topics tackled here are China’s interest in African oil; military and security relations; the influx and goals of Chinese aid to sub-Saharan Africa; human rights issues; and China’s overall strategy in the region. China’s insatiable demand for energy and raw materials responds to sub-Saharan Africa’s relatively abundant supplies of unprocessed metals, diamonds, and gold, while offering a growing market for Africa’s agriculture and light manufactures. As this book illustrates, this evolving symbiosis could be the making of Africa, the poorest and most troubled continent, while it further powers China’s expansive economic machine. Contributors include Deborah Brautigam (American University), Harry Broadman (World Bank), Stephen Brown (University of Ottawa), Martyn J. Davies (Stellenbosch University), Joshua Eisenman (UCLA), Chin-Hao Huang (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute), Paul Hubbard (Australian Department of the Treasury),Wenran Jiang (University of Alberta), Darren Kew (University of Massachusetts? Boston), Henry Lee (Harvard University), Li Anshan (Peking University), Ndubisi Obiorah (Centre for Law and Social Action, Nigeria), Stephanie Rupp (National University of Singapore), Dan Shal …|Books||9780815775614|China into Africa : Paperback : Brookings Institution : 9780815775614 : 20 Oct 2008 : Africa has long attracted China. We can date their first certain involvement from the fourteenth century, but East African city-states may have been trading with sou …|new|1|1|999|31.95|0|GBP|Robert I. Rotberg|Brookings Institution|20 Oct 2008|Social issues & processes 9780815735700|Leapfrogging Inequality|24.15||Exemplary stories of innovation from around the world In an age of rising inequality, getting a good education increasingly separates the haves from the have nots. In countries like the United States, getting a good education is one of the most promising routes to upper-middle-class status, even more so than family wealth. Experts predict that by 2030, 825 million children will reach adulthood without basic secondary-level skills, and it will take a century for the most marginalized youth to achieve the educational levels that the wealthiest enjoy today. But these figures do not even account for the range of skills and competencies needed to thrive today in work, citizenship, and life. In a world where the ability to manipulate knowledge and information, think critically, and collaboratively solve problems are essential to thrive, access to a quality education is crucial for all young people. In Leapfrogging Inequality, researchers chart a new path for global education by examining the possibility of leapfrogging-harnessing innovation to rapidly accelerate educational progress-to ensure that all young people develop the skills they need for a fast-changing world. Analyzing a catalog of nearly 3,000 global education innovations, the largest such collection to date, researchers explore the potential of current practices to enable such a leap. As part of this analysis, the book presents an evidence-based framework for getting ahead in education, which it grounds in the here-and-now by narrating exemplary stories of innovation from around the world. Together, these stories and resources will inspire educators, investors, leaders of nongovernmental organizations, and policymakers alike to rally around a new vision of educational progress-one that ensures we do not leave yet another generation of young people behind.|Books||9780815735700|Leapfrogging Inequality : Paperback : Brookings Institution : 9780815735700 : 05 Jun 2018 : Charts a new path for global education by examining the possibility of leapfrogging - rapidly accelerating educational progress to ensure that all young people …|new|1|1|999|28.95|0|GBP|Rebecca Winthrop|Brookings Institution|05 Jun 2018|Educational strategies & policy books 9780815737216|Democracies Divided|27.99||?A must-read for anyone concerned about the fate of contemporary democracies.?-Steven Levitsky, co-author of How Democracies Die 2020 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Why divisions have deepened and what can be done to heal them As one part of the global democratic recession, severe political polarization is increasingly afflicting old and new democracies alike, producing the erosion of democratic norms and rising societal anger. This volume is the first book-length comparative analysis of this troubling global phenomenon, offering in-depth case studies of countries as wide-ranging and important as Brazil, India, Kenya, Poland, Turkey, and the United States. The case study authors are a diverse group of country and regional experts, each with deep local knowledge and experience. Democracies Divided identifies and examines the fissures that are dividing societies and the factors bringing polarization to a boil. In nearly every case under study, political entrepreneurs have exploited and exacerbated long-simmering divisions for their own purposes-in the process undermining the prospects for democratic consensus and productive governance. But this book is not simply a diagnosis of what has gone wrong. Each case study discusses actions that concerned citizens and organizations are taking to counter polarizing forces, whether through reforms to political parties, institutions, or the media. The book’s editors distill from the case studies a range of possible ways for restoring consensus and defeating polarization in the world’s democracies. Timely, rigorous, and accessible, this book is of compelling interest to civic activists, political actors, scholars, and ordinary citizens in societies beset by increasingly rancorous partisanship.|Books||9780815737216|Democracies Divided : Paperback : Brookings Institution : 9780815737216 : 24 Sep 2019 : Severe political polarization is increasingly afflicting old and new democracies alike, producing the erosion of democratic norms and rising societal anger. This v …|new|1|1|999|32.95|0|GBP|Thomas Carothers|Brookings Institution|24 Sep 2019|Political ideologies 9780816041343|The Encyclopedia of Saints|22.99||This volume offers detailed accounts of the lives and experiences of more than 400 principal saints, from early martyrs such as Lucy of Syracuse to recently canonized saints such as Katherine Drexel. Entries provide a biographical overview, a record of the saint’s religious journeys and mystical experiences, a discussion of personal philosophies and important theological influences, as well as his or her patronage, feast days and popular role within the Church. Extensive appendices include information on patron saints by topic, a calendar of feast days, beatified and canonized popes, an explanation of the canonization process, a glossary of terms and a glossary of heresies. The Encyclopedia of Saints brings to light both the religious heroism and colorful, little-known facts of the lives of saints for a comprehensive, in-depth exploration of sainthood.|Books||9780816041343|The Encyclopedia of Saints : Paperback : Facts On File Inc : 9780816041343 : 01 Sep 2001 : This encyclopaedia of saints contains over 400 entries that offer biographical accounts of principal saints of the Catholic and Orthodox churches. The book expl …|new|1|1|19|27.95|0|GBP|Rosemary Ellen Guiley|Facts On File Inc|01 Sep 2001|Christian theology 9780815735748|Moscow Rules|23.70||From Moscow, the world looks different. It is through understanding how Russia sees the world-and its place in it-that the West can best meet the Russian challenge. Russia and the West are like neighbors who never seem able to understand each other. A major reason, this book argues, is that Western leaders tend to think that Russia should act as a ?rational? Western nation-even though Russian leaders for centuries have thought and acted based on their country’s much different history and traditions. Russia, through Western eyes, is unpredictable and irrational, when in fact its leaders from the czars to Putin almost always act in their own very predictable and rational ways. For Western leaders to try to engage with Russia without attempting to understand how Russians look at the world is a recipe for repeated disappointment and frequent crises. Keir Giles, a senior expert on Russia at Britain’s prestigious Chatham House, describes how Russian leaders have used consistent doctrinal and strategic approaches to the rest of the world. These approaches may seem deeply alien in the West, but understanding them is essential for successful engagement with Moscow. Giles argues that understanding how Moscow’s leaders think-not just Vladimir Putin but his predecessors and eventual successors-will help their counterparts in the West develop a less crisis-prone and more productive relationship with Russia.|Books||9780815735748|Moscow Rules : Paperback : Brookings Institution : 9780815735748 : 29 Jan 2019 : Describes how Russian leaders have used consistent doctrinal and strategic approaches to the rest of the world. These approaches may seem alien in the West, but understan …|new|1|1|20|27.95|0|GBP|Keir Giles|Brookings Institution|29 Jan 2019|Diplomacy 9780815737339|The Courts and Social Policy|26.46||Winner of the Louis Brownlow Award for Public Administration In recent years, the power of American judges to make social policy has been significantly broadened. The courts have reached into many matters once thought to be beyond the customary scope of judicial decisionmaking: education and employment policy, environmental issues, prison and hospital management, and welfare administration-to name a few. This new judicial activity can be traced to various sources, among them the emergence of public interest law firms and interest groups committed to social change through the courts, and to various changes in the law itself that have made access to the courts easier. The propensity for bringing difficult social questions to the judiciary for resolution is likely to persist. This book is the first comprehensive study of the capacity of courts to make and implement social policy. Donald L. Horowitz, a lawyer and social scientist, traces the imprint of the judicial process on the policies that emerge from it. He focuses on a number of important questions: how issues emerge in litigation, how courts obtain their information, how judges use social science data, how legal solutions to social problems are devised, and what happens to judge-made social policy after decrees leave the court house. After a general analysis of the adjudication process as it bears on social policymaking, the author presents four cases studies of litigation involving urban affairs, educational resources, juvenile courts and delinquency, and police behavior. In each, the assumption and evidence with which the courts approached their policy problems are matched against data about the social settings from which the cases arose and the effects the decrees had. The concern throughout the book is to relate the policy process to the policy outcome. From his analysis of adjudication and the findings of his case studies the author concludes that the resources of the courts are not adequate to the n …|Books||9780815737339|The Courts and Social Policy : Paperback : Brookings Institution : 9780815737339 : 01 Jan 1977 : In recent years, the power of American judges to make social policy has been significantly broadened. This book is the first to offer a comprehensive stud …|new|1|1|175|24.95|0|GBP|Donald L. Horowitz|Brookings Institution|01 Jan 1977|Reference books 9780815737735|The Dissidents|23.99||The nearly forgotten story of Soviet dissidents It has been nearly three decades since the collapse of the Soviet Union-enough time for the role that the courageous dissidents ultimately contributed to the communist system’s collapse to have been largely forgotten, especially in the West. This book brings to life, for contemporary readers, the often underground work of the men and women who opposed the regime and authored dissident texts, known as samizdat, that exposed the tyrannies and weaknesses of the Soviet state both inside and outside the country. Peter Reddaway spent decades studying the Soviet Union and got to know these dissidents and their work, publicizing their writings in the West and helping some of them to escape the Soviet Union and settle abroad. In this memoir he captures the human costs of the repression that marked the Soviet state, focusing in particular on Pavel Litvinov, Larisa Bogoraz, General Petro Grigorenko, Anatoly Marchenko, Alexander Podrabinek, Vyacheslav Bakhmin, and Andrei Sinyavsky. His book describes their courage but also puts their work in the context of the power struggles in the Kremlin, where politicians competed with and even succeeded in ousting one another. Reddaway’s book takes readers beyond Moscow, describing politics and dissident work in other major Russian cities as well as in the outlying republics.|Books||9780815737735|The Dissidents : Hardback : Brookings Institution : 9780815737735 : 11 Feb 2020 : It has been nearly three decades since the collapse of the Soviet Union - enough time for the role that the courageous dissidents ultimately contributed to the communist …|new|1|1|1|28.95|0|GBP|Peter Reddaway|Brookings Institution|11 Feb 2020|Memoirs 9780815736745|Dance of the Trillions|27.99||In Dance of the Trillions, David Lubin tells the story of what makes money flow from high-income countries to lower-income ones; what makes it flow out again; and how developing countries have sought protection against the volatility of international capital flows. The book traces an arc from the 1970s, when developing countries first gained access to international financial markets, to the present day. Underlying this story is a discussion of how the relationship between developing countries and global finance appears to be moving from one governed by the Washington Consensus" to one more likely to be shaped by Beijing.