Carl Von Clausewitz's On War

Carl Von Clausewitz's On War
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Soldier and intellectual Carl von Clausewitz first entered combat at the tender age of thirteen. He later rose to the rank of Major General, married into the Prussian nobility and wrote a book which was to become one of the most influential works on military strategy ever published. On War is one of the first books on modern military strategy. Writing mostly after the Napoleonic wars, between 1816 and 1830, von Clausewitz never lived to see it published. He had a theory that it was the integration of political, societal and economic issues that was the most important factor in deciding the outcome of a war. This new theory made On War one of the most important texts on strategy ever written. On War has been translated into practically every major language and remains a source of inspiration for modern strategic thinkers. In this fascinating new interpretation, Andrew Holmes illustrates how von Clausewitz’s ideas can be applied to contemporary business. Readers will discover: ? Why business, like war, is neither an art nor a science; ? How to ‘fortify’ their business; ? The importance of a strong commander; ? The secrets of being ruthless; ? Why they should bypass their smart phones and open up the lines of communication. By re-interpreting von Clausewitz’s original theories, Holmes demonstrates that On War is not just about the battlefield. This clear, concise and waffle-free book shows how you can treat life like a military operation and steer your troops in the right direction in the world of business. Andrew Holmes’ Carl von Clausewitz’s On War illustrates the timeless nature of von Clausewitz’s insights by bringing them to life with modern examples and business case studies. This brilliant interpretation of On War is an entertaining accompaniment to one of the most famous strategy books ever written.