Advertising Fashion Brands to the UK Ethnic Market

Advertising Fashion Brands to the UK Ethnic Market
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This research aims to find out if ethnic minorities who are born in the UK are influenced by fashion brand adverts using different ethnic models. The research aimed to identify whether branded labels are a crucial influential factor in fashion purchasing and if so how influential to ethnic consumers are they. The results capture the motivations, feelings and perceptions, justifying ethnic consumer purchase behavior. It was important for the researcher to gain attitudes towards current and future representation of ethnic minorities represented in fashion advertisements in order to establish ethnic advertising for fashion brands in terms of ethnic consumers considering these brands. This subject illustrates the importance that ethnic identity and culture of the respondents play a key role in the ethnic consumer behaviour towards fashion brand advertising. The findings highlight key areas that fashion companies could gain if they understood different ethnic groups to give them a competitive edge over other brands and satisfy the needs of the British ethnic demographic in the UK.