In this practical and persuasive new book, 7 Nonprofit Income Streams, you learn about each of the seven sources of nonprofit income. You find that only three sources fund the majority of nonprofits. (Spoiler alert: The largest source is not grants or donated income from individuals.) You gain tools to determine which of the seven streams fit your nonprofit. And, you can use what you read to immediately obtain more income.Drawing on two decades of investigation and over a thousand interviews with nonprofit leaders, 7 Nonprofit Income Streams: Open the Floodgates to Sustainability! clarifies the confusing, messy, and competitive world of nonprofit income so you can:Earn more money in one year than the previous three, Discover dramatic success stories to replicate immediately, Create enthusiasm about providing money and other resources to your nonprofit. Develop a customized strategy to enhance your mission and sustain your nonprofit Get practical, in-the-trenches advice and find tips you to use now. Why are some nonprofits well funded and others not? Why do certain organizations grow income year-after-year and others commence frantic begging 30 days before the end of their fiscal years? Why do some nonprofits obtain a steady flow of donated and earned money, while others chase after every dollar-even those that cost them money? Nonprofits become financially stable by developing and using consistent income strategies. These lead to more income and long-term sustainability. This book is your guide to identify the income sources and to develop a sustainable revenue strategy for your nonprofit. Anyone who works in, or volunteers for, a nonprofit worries about financial sustainability. But, as Karen demonstrates in 7 Nonprofit Income Streams, sustainability is attainable. Dr. Terrie Temkin, Principal, CoreStrategies for Nonprofits, Inc. No secret cash machine exists. No lucky charm dangled over a proposal guarantees success. No magic words convince millionair …